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  1. premilove


    yea its gona die if you already bought it. ur trates are 80 dude. bad decision.. do a huge water change now i mean like more than 60%, ditch ur canister filter, get some chaeto asap
  2. premilove

    high nitrates

    either clean out the fluval or ditch it bc i cant think of any other source for those trates. u arent feeding, theres no fish in there to poop, you have phosband..IMO if you arent cleaning the fluval then that has to be the source.. ditch it, do a huge water change, monitor levels for a week...
  3. premilove


    with the high nitrates?
  4. premilove

    long hair green algae

    phosband, water changes, turbos, less light, less food as meowzer said
  5. premilove

    Lighting for 40 gallon breeder

    dont get any 1xMHwatts if there is a center brace on ur breeder, which i doubt there is...go for 2x250s.. i think ud be fine with 2x175s imo, if u are keeping softies
  6. premilove


    what tank you putting the sailfin in?
  7. premilove

    high nitrates

    have you tested twice in a row? sometimes certain tests kits are faulty..
  8. premilove

    high nitrates

    i'd ditch the canister filter..get some phosband for your hair algae. if anything do a 90% + water change
  9. premilove

    10g or 7.5g??? Agressive

    Originally Posted by Oceansidefish Ok why would I make it a sump or fuge.....It's a biocube type of tank and like I said I already have a reef tank.... And no seahorses, the tank is too small... Well I set it up today with sand, rock and water from my reef tank...I will let it sit for a week...
  10. premilove

    high nitrates

    i read that u are using a fluval 305? if so, what is inside of it? keep in mind that u are gona have to clean that sucker out easily once a week..remove the filter sponges if u havent done so..
  11. premilove

    high nitrates

    something is causing ur trates to be at that level..since u have no fish im assuming ur not feeding anything..what are u using for filtration?
  12. premilove

    Is it wise to buy fish from places like craigslist or so on.

    why not? go look at the fish, if its healthy then buy it. also check out his system, make sure its been done right. no algae, no pests, etc.
  13. premilove

    I need some fish Suggestions for a 46 Gal Reef.

    that is a cool jawfish. where in jersey?
  14. premilove

    Pairing up Picasso's..

    i got you bro. yo email me i gota tell u something, that cant really be said here lmao ill pm u my email.. hey my grade A just arrived! i got mad at the fedex guy for handling the box with out care. f"ng A&&hole. this has to be the best packaging/shipping i have ever seen.. here are some...
  15. premilove

    Pairing up Picasso's..

    bump again
  16. premilove

    Pairing up Picasso's..

  17. premilove

    Pairing up Picasso's..

  18. premilove

    Pairing up Picasso's..

    As some of you may know, I had a Grade B pair..After some time, my female of the pair didnt make it. heres a pic of the grade B pair when i first got them, qt'ing it up (before when i had my hex tank as a qt) since this semester is over, i am spending some dough on a Grade A picasso, instead of...
  19. premilove

    why do divers do this?

    stonefish - 1 trigger - 0
  20. premilove

    what to put in my new 50 gallon?

    you should get a sea snake