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  1. cyn


    I have not bought a new skimmer yet, but I would be willing to part with it soon. E-mail me cyn
  2. cyn

    Lights off, lets see whats going on.....

    Congrats Sam! Way to go! P.S. I love you posts and advice, keep it comming! cyn
  3. cyn

    Three cheers for my girlfriend!!!!

    Way to go Kim! Now, where do I find a guy like her????? :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
  4. cyn

    Deep Sand Bed

    I know I saw a post about 4 days ago about Southdown in Southern Ca., try searching for keywords southdown and CA.. Good luck! cyn
  5. cyn

    'Jaubert' Sand Setup

    DSB = deep sand bed. Usually 4 to 6 inches deep. Either with dead sand seeded with live or all live material. HTH, cyn
  6. cyn

    Is my tank ok? (Picture)

    Glad to help. I agree that a new tank is going to be worth the expense in peace of mind. :) cyn
  7. cyn

    Is my tank ok? (Picture)

    Oh, You will have to drain alot of water before you put the support bars on the top, to relieve the pressure on the acrylic. Sorry I left that off... cyn
  8. cyn

    Is my tank ok? (Picture)

    Something like an acrylic bar from front to back every 2 feet or so. This limits the ammount of movement the acrylic panel has. How far down the sides are the cracks now? I will e-mail my father, he is a structural engineer and ask his opinion if you like. We are currently designing a...
  9. cyn

    coral cutting

    There is a thread in the archives section that talks about fragging. I know there is a link there about fragging leathers. HTH, cyn
  10. cyn

    Is my tank ok? (Picture)

    Yes, they are cracks. When acrylic is stressed you get cracking like what you see in the picture. Does the tank have any supports across the top? If not, this may help. What looks like is happening is the pressure of the water pushing out is bowing the acrylic, so some cross supports should...
  11. cyn

    BASEROCK: Dead rock v.s. Live Rock?

    I was under the impression that if you placed the live rock on the bottom of the tank and then added sand that you would kill all of the stuff living on the burried rock. This was why I used 'dead' rock for the base of my reef. Please correct me if I was/am wrong. :( Confused, cyn
  12. cyn

    worm ID help please

    Do the pink stalks end in a snowflake pattern of branches? If so, it could be xenia. Doubt it is polyps, they tend to end in a cup or button shape. Another thing that comes to mind is macro alge, hard to say with the description given though. HTH, cyn
  13. cyn


    I have heard of people using latex spray paint. I would agree with the other post about taping off the tank. Let us know what you use and how it works! cyn
  14. cyn

    2 UFO's in my tank, can you help??

    For critter #1 try a search on sea slugs or nudibranches. Sounds like they are both possibilities. Let us know! cyn
  15. cyn

    What should i feed my Frogspawn?

    The frogspawn will filter feed, that is why phytoplankton is suggested. I feed mine directly, with a syringe and rigid tubing using marine qusine and brine that has been soaked in Zoe. I also add Kent marine chromaplex daily. Since I am going to be fragging the frogspawn soon, I would say...
  16. cyn

    Anything else???

    Ditto on the 75! I wish I had started there. Otherwise, more sand! Besides that, your well on the way! Best of luck! cyn :) :) :cool:
  17. cyn

    Feeding, Overfeeding, Etc.

    It sounds like you are over feeding to me, but I am relativly new to this too. I feed about 1/3 what you list with more fish and inverts. Your trates may respond to more live rock or a dsb. You did not list what your substrate is, so I had to throw that out there. Oops, just saw the 40lbs...
  18. cyn

    My Shrimp Is Eating A Big Worm.. I Hope????

    With live rock, you get many hitchhikers. You can get things like baby star fish, small corals, bacteria, worms, sponges, algies and the like. My experience is all with the LFS and my rock has all been teeming with life. Your worm sounds like a bristle worm to me too. I would not worry about...
  19. cyn

    LS - Iis this right?

    use the search feature for 'live sand bed calculator'. I know I have seen it here a couple times. Good Luck! cyn
  20. cyn

    Help with new tank please.

    Do you have one of those electric socket testers or a christmas light bulb tester? It is a reach, but for the fish to die that quick, something is pretty bad. I was wondering if mabey you have an electric current running thru the tank? Like I said, it is a reach. Did the LFS give you the...