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  1. noah's nemo

    Clean up Crew

    IDK much about puffers,but i think they are alot like triggs and my triggers took out my turbos.They were golfball sized.
  2. noah's nemo

    What's your all thoughts on a juvinile Emperor Angel?

    I looked at getting an Emp,but they are alittle more delicate than say a koran.So i got one of those instead.
  3. noah's nemo

    flame angel and hypo

    I have not lost any fish to hypo.Just curious of the time frame and to what point you lowered it.It said to be done in 48 hours,but i have alway took at least 72.PH may have went up causing an ammonia spike also.
  4. noah's nemo

    Thinking about getting a Puffer, looking for some input..

    .In a 65 i think youd be ok, IF you got rid of the tang.
  5. noah's nemo

    yellow tang purple tang experiment

    IDK,but i think sooner or later that purple tang is going to snap.Once he gets familar with things and decides to take ownership of the tank...Good luck,I Love Purples!
  6. noah's nemo

    Dwarf Angel and Angel fish????

    Tank size has alot to do with campatability of the fish we keep.Cramped tanks leads to aggression.So an emp in a 75,or 90 is going to get cranky,IMO
  7. noah's nemo

    Support my LFS?

    First off,good for you.I always but from my small family owned LFS.I would buy from him in exchange for a couple cups of sand from his established system
  8. noah's nemo

    Dwarf Angel and Angel fish????

    If your planning an upgrade and want angels ,you'll need at least a 6 foot long tank IMO.A dwarf will be fine in a 75,but not an emp,or any large angel.
  9. noah's nemo

    black and white false percs

    Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish in my opinion you should never order any fish. buy them at the fish store, see what you are buying first. I agree,plus support your LFS,they need all the help they can get
  10. noah's nemo

    Dwarf Angel and Angel fish????

    Is the emp still a juvi?What size tank(hopefully not your 40!)??I would not do it.
  11. noah's nemo

    What woud YOU put in a 90gall tank?

    Well,with an undy in a 90,you could just look forward to having one fish in there someday
  12. noah's nemo

    NEW CONTEST ... read for details

    I like the idea,but why limit it to corals(which IMO are easy to capture,plus i don't have have alot of great action shots of fish though..good luck with it
  13. noah's nemo

    VIDEO: Huge Saltwater Hermit Crab Swtiches Shells

    thats was cool..did you have that guy for awhile,or get him that size..nice vid
  14. noah's nemo

    first fill - non RO water

    Originally Posted by beaslbob That's simply because you do not have enough nutrient consumers to keep up with the nutrients being generated. And those nutrients come overwheliming from the bioload not the input water. Hence the ro/di does very little to reduce the algae nutrients. Red slime...
  15. noah's nemo

    Brag about your best fish!

    Where's yours?....................................
  16. noah's nemo

    180g Setup

    Looking good.I agree with painting the back.I would do black,it'll make that CT stand out,mine does....Curious ,why no LR?
  17. noah's nemo

    clown trigger

    Originally Posted by srfisher17 I would never keep a clown trigger with these fish, certainly not in a 125. They simply are not community fish. Like ophiura said above, small CTs don't acclimate well and any CT you should get will already be big enough to raise havoc with your fish.I suspect...
  18. noah's nemo

    Fish only tank

    I am currently rolling the dice with a CT(very small juvi-2 in) i have had him about 3 months.He is in my 125 with a koran angel and a humu,and a pair of ocellaris clowns.I say go for it,and time will tell.As stated above QT all.
  19. noah's nemo

    Naso Tang tank mates

    I am man enough to admit my mistake.I never owned a naso,but i still believe a 125 will house one for awhile.That is JMO.Aquascaping can be done in a way to provide them with just as much swimmimg room as that of a 6 inch wider 220.
  20. noah's nemo

    Naso Tang tank mates

    I think a 125 would do for awhile.A 220 is only 6 inches wider right?So your not gaining any length.Plus if your tang got covered in "stress spots"(i assume ich),then that was your fault,not the tank size.A fish will not get ich if its not present.No amount of stress will make ich magically...