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  1. maroonytun

    125 FOWLR List - Tang/Angel question

    The list looks fine to me.
  2. maroonytun

    Would you pay $1500.00 for a Fish?

    NW2SLTFSH, my email is Can you put angelfish in the sublect please. Thanks, Maroonytun
  3. maroonytun

    Aracana aurita - Shaws Trunkfish?

    I know a site that has one right now for $350
  4. maroonytun

    Would you pay $1500.00 for a Fish?

    NW2SLTFSH, do you know if ths lfs will ship??? Can you give me their name and number, I might be interested in this fish.
  5. maroonytun

    another cycle question LOOK!!!!!!!!

    My guess would be another two or three weeks, I would do a water change in a week though.
  6. maroonytun

    Would like to put 2 tangs in my 150

    A clown tang will outgrow a 150.
  7. maroonytun


    Ok thanks for the info. The clown should be fine.
  8. maroonytun

    Black and white percula questions for all of you....

    Blue koran I can't name the site cuz it is against forum rules.
  9. maroonytun

    Black and white percula questions for all of you....

    Most of them do. I am going there either thursday, friday, or saturday. I will try to get pics. I talked to them today and they said they have pairs of black occels in, but i forgot to ask if they were mated. They do have mated pairs that aren't for sale though, but from what I hear they can be...
  10. maroonytun

    Would you pay $1500.00 for a Fish?

    Pjp I remember seeing one about two weeks ago on a rare fish site. I can't find the site now, I just went through 20 pages og yahoo search for this and couldn't find it.
  11. maroonytun

    Stocking questions for 300g FO/FOWLR tank

    The dwarf angel will most likely be eaten. The powder blue should be fine as long as you keep the school of purple or yellow in an odd number.
  12. maroonytun

    To Sump or not to Sump

    A sump will help keep the water better.You can put your heater, skimmer, and thermometer in the supm also.
  13. maroonytun

    Black and white percula questions for all of you....

    Most of them are actually. They have about 10 tanks dedicated to breeding clownfish.
  14. maroonytun

    lettuce nudibranch

    Thank you Bang
  15. maroonytun

    lettuce nudibranch

    Yep Nm is right.
  16. maroonytun

    Can I keep a Nurse Shark in a 55 gallon?

    That is awesome squidd.
  17. maroonytun

    Would you pay $1500.00 for a Fish?

    Actually it cost $1700 for round trip airfare and for 1 night loding in Japan
  18. maroonytun

    lettuce nudibranch

    One of the Lfs I go to won't even carry them, because they wiped out three of their tanks, and this is one of the most experienced stores in Michigan. you beat me to it Nm
  19. maroonytun

    lettuce nudibranch

    There not, could you tell me the genus its from then.
  20. maroonytun


    Orange Linkias need at least 75lbs live roxk, a stable system, and algae. Brittle stars are easy to care for. Both stars are very sensitive to the slightest salinity or ph swing.