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  1. maroonytun


    No free fishy wishys your gonna make me cry Just kidding
  2. maroonytun

    180G setup question

    psusocr1 has his maroon with his shark. The angel will nip at the sharks eyes. The rest of the list looks good.
  3. maroonytun

    To crowded?

    Imo, you could keep all three as long as you keep the parameters up to chek.
  4. maroonytun

    Did I mess up?

    Ya good job, know you don't have to worry about losing your tank.
  5. maroonytun

    New tank out of control

    First your tanks is way overstocked. The puffer and the lion will outgrow the 55. The puffer will most likely nip at the lions fins.
  6. maroonytun


    Ok thanks for clearing that up. Imo, he will be out of business before it even opens.
  7. maroonytun

    180G setup question

    No anemones or stinging corals. Try some tangs.
  8. maroonytun

    Moorish Idol??

    If that is true that would be awesome.
  9. maroonytun

    Would you pay $1500.00 for a Fish?

    The cost of the clarion is due to the rarity and there is a ban on them.
  10. maroonytun


  11. maroonytun

    Need Help! Live rock and sand are here, but stand won't be till Friday!!

    Ya put the rock in the rubbermaids.
  12. maroonytun

    Would you pay $1500.00 for a Fish?

    Yeah I now the site you are talking about viper.
  13. maroonytun


    Does anyone here have a Latz, thiellei or any other rare clowns. Please post pics and tank specs.
  14. maroonytun

    Did I mess up?

    I'm pretty sure they are the same things, but I'm positively certain that it is a nidibranch.
  15. maroonytun

    Rare Clowns?

    Hey blueface, are you thiellei on RCF
  16. maroonytun

    400 dollars to blow opn equipment...what to buy

    I'd get a calk reactor and topoff. I get about 150 for my report card.
  17. maroonytun

    Clown fish??

    Imo, if you keep the water parameters good yoi could keep two clowns in there, what kind of clowns are you thinking about getting.
  18. maroonytun

    Did I mess up?

    Ya they need a certain type of sponge, I saw five nudibranches in a tank at the LFs,but this LFs knew what they were risking, there 125 cube tanks that has been up for over five years. They also had the resources to get the sponge they needed for them.
  19. maroonytun


    I have two questions. 1. what size tank is the yellow tang in??? 2. What kind of clownfish is it???
  20. maroonytun


    The clown should be fine in the nano. You said that you have a yellow tang in there to???