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  1. thejdshow

    Unlikly to host???

    3rd day!!! SUCCESS!!! he finaly hosted it, within 48 hours.. awsome!!
  2. thejdshow

    you decide

    its going to depend on your tank. Size, lighting, age, fish... My first coral was a green star polyp, and its doing great. Grew very fast. Shrooms are also very forgiving. Anemone's need good water quality and strong lighting. Hope this helps! *JD
  3. thejdshow

    Unlikly to host???

    awsome ... great to hear!!! thanks for the HOPE :yes:
  4. thejdshow

    Unlikly to host???

    cool... thanks for all the reply's. I still have my fingers crossed. Maybe when I get home tonight "George" will have himself a new home. Thanks for all the reply's. Was my discription of my clowns behavior common to a clown interested in an anemone?
  5. thejdshow

    Unlikly to host???

    anyone? :notsure:
  6. thejdshow

    not going in...

    Originally Posted by eric41177 Give this a try{if you havnt done this yet} download a picture of a clown fish hosting in the RBTA and tape it to the tank. It sounds funny but 75% it will work goodluck haha i duno bout that
  7. thejdshow

    Unlikly to host???

    I purchased a Hatian Pink Tip Anemone, and I have one clarkii clownfish. The anemone has been in the tank about 16 hours now and my clown has not really gone in it. He will swim by it and check it out, but not go in. When he swims close to it he swims sort of sideways like he wants to host it. I...
  8. thejdshow

    yaya Algea algea please help

    I had a ton of feather dusters come in (pry about 20) with my lr. I wanna set up a fuge as soon as I learn more about them. Probly like a 20 gallon fuge, but first I need to re-setup my QT. Do you have a pic of your tank train?
  9. thejdshow

    Please help

    Originally Posted by BigB Probably your main problem right here. :yes:
  10. thejdshow

    Please help

    Welcome to the SWF Message Board! If you could get a picture of the black film it would greatly help. You will find out people are extremely knowledgable and helpful here. Sorry I couldn't help
  11. thejdshow

    Star Wars 3: revenge of the sith

    pointy light sabers????
  12. thejdshow

    yaya Algea algea please help

    nitrate today was under 10... which is good from my understanding, given the age of the tank. The reason I bought lights so early is because I got a good deal on them. Anyways I now have 10 crabs, and 5 snails total. should this suffice?
  13. thejdshow

    Cycling question

    There you have it. =) thanks for the clarification tizzo.
  14. thejdshow

    yaya Algea algea please help

    Going to get my clean up crew after I get out of work. I get out of work at 5, home by 5:30, to the fish store by 6:30, leave there by midnight (they seriously are soo slow there), leave there by 7:30, get home in time for the PISTONS GAME!!! Hope this takes care of my problem. I am thinking im...
  15. thejdshow

    Cycling question

    You are in no danger. Things can settle at a pretty fast rate after they spike. Mine took a long time to spike, then droped much faster then it raised.
  16. thejdshow

    Cycling question

    adding water could prolong your cycle. Im no expert, maybe someone more knowledgable than myself can help you ---- Yes i noticed that it was to start your cycle after I posted.. I have since edited my original post... Sorry bout that
  17. thejdshow

    Cycling question

    Things will settle. Some tanks cycle longer than others. Just give it time
  18. thejdshow

    yaya Algea algea please help

    they hypo seems to be working. So i'll consider that if I get another bad outbreak. Thanks!
  19. thejdshow

    yaya Algea algea please help

    I sure will get some soon. Pretty empty right now. Some green shrooms, and some green star polyps. 1 Clarkii, 1 Cleaner. All very healthy, The clarkii had ich. I just moved him back into the display tank today. Did a hypo for just over a month in a seperate tank with him. So that is kind of why...
  20. thejdshow

    yaya Algea algea please help

    It is diatoms, and some green algea. The tank is only 2 months. BTW WhoDey.... Your tank is absolutly beautifull. Makes me confidant in your advice. Thanks for all your input! How old is your tank?