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  1. thejdshow

    yaya Algea algea please help

    I have, but I dont regularly. I dont have a test kit for that. Shame on me =). Ill be sure to check into that when I get my cleaning crew. Thanks for the advice!
  2. thejdshow

    Curing Live Rock

    very well written article by mudplayer. Read it when I first started my tank. Incredibly good advice
  3. thejdshow

    yaya Algea algea please help

    Originally Posted by 9lives I have at least 20 various type of snails in a 29g. most like to say 1 snail to 1-2 gal.I also have 1 emerald crab and he can munch too. He also likes bubble algae. wow that seems overkill. Seems like they would starve in a 29 gallon. Causing spikes in poor water...
  4. thejdshow

    yaya Algea algea please help

    I was thinking about 5 snails total, and 10 or so more crabs. How does that sound. Also, should I have extra shells in my tank for my snails and crabs? I hear they like to migrate out of their shells. Also is it bad to clean my glass and stir my substrate??? Temporarily makes that tank look...
  5. thejdshow

    yaya Algea algea please help

    cool thanks for the tip. I will be sure to get it tested. If that comes back good though is it safe to say its because my tank is only 2 months old? And does it usualy clear up after the tank stabalizes? granted a larger cleanup crew will help.
  6. thejdshow

    yaya Algea algea please help

    I really appreciate all of the reply's. I will have a bigger crew in 1 - 2 days. Keep the comments rollin. I check my user cp like a freak. The snails I have are mexican turbo's. They clean a lot when they are not being lazy. THANKS!!!!!!!!!! * JD
  7. thejdshow

    yaya Algea algea please help

    no more than they can eat in a minuet. No need to be condisending, I know when I need lighting, that is beyond the scope of this thread. I do appreciate your your comment however. *Also I am running the lights 7.5 hours a day. Thanks, - JD
  8. thejdshow

    6 pack

    Great aquascaping. I love the star polyps. I bought a frag. I hope one day it turns out like yours!!!
  9. thejdshow

    yaya Algea algea please help

    Another algea problem... ----Tank Stats---- Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 15 PH - 8.2 Salinity - 1.024 Tank Size - 55 Gallon Tank DOB - April 1st 2005 Water - RO So my tank is young, but I have been getting diatoms, and green algea like crazy latley. I have been doing 5 gal water changes...
  10. thejdshow

    30 days after Hypo

    Awsome. Thanks to everyone for all the tips. It has made my Ich Nightmare go by much more smoothly. Thanks Again, *JD
  11. thejdshow

    1 gallon

    you could do a nifty fresh water one
  12. thejdshow

    1 gallon

    wow, thats wild. Be sure to send a pic of that! I would imagine it being very hard to keep the water quality good in a 1 gal tank. the smallest amount of water evaperation could have huge effects on your salinity. Also any waste products could potentialy polute your water very rapidly. Keep me...
  13. thejdshow

    30 days after Hypo

  14. thejdshow

    Bubble algae and aptasia

    if it is aptasia (a pic would be good, then someone could tell you for sure) you are going to want to remove it ASAP. They will spread like wildfire. Do a search on this site on how to get rid of it. I have never personaly had to deal with it, but I have heard injecting it with lemon juice or...
  15. thejdshow

    Yikes...Is this Brown Algea

    I would let things go as they are. I wouldn't run my lights quite that long. I had some diatoms when my tank was cycling too. IMO I wouldn't do a water change. Wait untill your tanks cycles and then do a large water change. I hope someone more knowledgeable than me is able to give you some real...
  16. thejdshow

    Q Tanks!!!!!!

    I am setting up another Q tank. And I want to make this one look nice. Not just something to monitor fish, but something that is actualy worth looking at. Id like to see pictures of other people's (if anyone has done this) Q tanks that have been set up this way. Thanks!!!!! *JD
  17. thejdshow


    When treating ich it is also good to know the lifecycle of ich. Research that, this sight offers a lot of info on it, also there are other sites on the web as well that will offer info on it.
  18. thejdshow

    Clean up crew for a 55???

    Would I have to add empty shells for the snails to go into?
  19. thejdshow

    Latest Addition (Toadstool)

    Sooooooooooo beautifullll. Might be my next coral now =D!
  20. thejdshow

    Clean up crew for a 55???

    I have a 55 gal tank about 2 months old. I currently have 2 mexican turbo snails, and 2 scarlet hermitt crabs. Starting to get an algea bloom. I think part of this could have to do with my protien skimmer going down for about 4 days when I was gone. Anyways I would like this algea bloom to be...