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  1. rangermonroe

    Will brain coral heal?

    Sunday, it seems to be doing better today, Somewhat more "inflated". I 'll keep on the spot feedings and see whatbecomes of this. I'm guessing that GAtorCSM is right with the obsevation that they recede due to stress. But i'll feed the guy anyhow. Thanks all!
  2. rangermonroe

    Will brain coral heal?

    I bought it from and they called it a closed brain. I appreciate the encouragement, as I, like you, hate to buy stuff for it to just die upon introduction. I tried to feed it some shrimp pellets, but they just sit there and turn to mush. I looked at it this morning at 0530 and no...
  3. rangermonroe

    Return pipe size...

    I'm confused as well. 11/2 PVC is some monster pipe to be using for a return line. The pump w/ 3/4 inch fittings will only pump a volume of water 3/4 inch. Any gain in flow would be due to lowering the "friction loss". I have my sump fed by 2 one inch overflow boxes and a 3/4 inch return...
  4. rangermonroe

    Will brain coral heal?

    Do you just put the pellets on it? It looks pretty rough, IMO, but I'll try it. Thanks for the reply.
  5. rangermonroe

    Will brain coral heal?

    I have a closed brain coral that I just placed in my system Tuseday (my first one). My water parameters are fine, but he is withdrawn into his skeleton and seems to be deteriorating at the center of the skeleton. Tuesday, he was "out" but did not expand since then. Is he a lost cause or is...
  6. rangermonroe

    pregnant bangaii

    I noticed tonight that one of my cardinal fishes wasn't eating. I looked closely at him and it looks as though he has a mouthful of stuff. I am wondering, is this just my immagination, or is he carring a brood? Should I remove him to the refugium or let things go? Back in August, my...
  7. rangermonroe

    NEED HELP, protein skimmer broken!!!

    I hav a magnetic drive pump for my return and if it gets a chunk of debris lodged between the impeller and housing, then the motor will continue to spin, but the impeller is stuck fast. Check to see if the impeller is spinning.
  8. rangermonroe

    OT: How much beer is too much?

    Here is the situation: I was talking to my doctor the other day and the topic of drinking came up. I mentioned that the "other night" I had had 4 beers over the course of the evening, while repairing my wifes car. (About 3 hours) He was most concerned. He opined that " four beers was a lot...
  9. rangermonroe

    turboflotor 1000

    I have one. is my e mail. I have a diagram to plumb ir, but I cannot post it here as it is too large. I will happily send it to you via e mail. I like mine, but it is the only one that I have ownde, so my opinion is not " fair and ballanced".
  10. rangermonroe

    painting inside of canopy as reflector

    I used silicone to attach 1x1' square mirror tiles to the canopy- works pretty good. Plus the fish get that sexy "mirrors on the ceiling" effect that my wife forbids me to explore.
  11. rangermonroe

    Where did all my pods go?

    yes you are anal, but so am i. ;) . I always try to save my "ball of yarn worms " out of the sink and put my bugs back in the tank. It is silly, but it is hard to try and try to sustain life in a closed environment, and then to knowingly pour some of it down the drain.
  12. rangermonroe

    Why are triggers not "reef safe"?

    I used to work in the Gulf of Mexico as a commercial diver. I have watched triggerfish bite off large chunks of barnacles from the platfORms that I was working on (under). I would deem them not reef safe.
  13. rangermonroe

    Reef Crystals vs. Instant ocean

    I just switched from IO to -- and am happy so far. It seems to dissolve better and more quickly. It also seems to be more concentrated (1/2 cup/gallon instead of 3/4 c/g) But it does cost more
  14. rangermonroe

    Acrylic and glass

    I used it with no problem on a replacement end for my first refugium ( I tried to drill tempered glass with a hole saw) currently that tank is still in service a s my brine shrimp hatchery/ gulag
  15. rangermonroe

    Softened water preparation

    Feeling a little testy this AM?
  16. rangermonroe

    Softened water preparation

    Yes,I have a RO system already in line for my tank. That is what I have been using for make-up/repl;acement water. The softener has been placed in line with the house feed.
  17. rangermonroe

    Softened water preparation

    I just had a softener installed in my house. Are there any pros/cons to using softened water?
  18. rangermonroe

    Softened water preparation

    I just had asoftener installed in my house. Are there any pros/cons to using softened water?
  19. rangermonroe

    Brine Hatchery

    I have one running right now. It is a DIY 10 gallon Wal-Mart tank with an air pump w/ 2 stones and a little heater. I have about $30 in it total. I cold have bought a whole bunch of brine shrimp for $30 but I have fun doing stuff myself. I just dump in the eggs, turn on the pump, viola, 2 days...
  20. rangermonroe

    scarlet hermit vs. snails

    My Zebra hermits are absolutely homicidal!