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  1. cain420

    can anyone tell me if this will work

    that still isnt having ALL the water pass through the fuge, and will not be as effective.. in both of your diagrams, there is water that is being returned to the tank without going through the fuge...
  2. cain420

    Questions about lighting and canisters

    sounds like a monster of a qt! wish i had one that big.. will it be strictly qt or do u plan to keep some stock in there at all times?
  3. cain420

    Too Loud!

    is it vibrating the glass, or is the filter itself just vibrating? is that a hang on filter?
  4. cain420

    can anyone tell me if this will work

    from my understanding you want the return pump AFTER the fuge... so all the water must flow through it in order to get to the return pump.
  5. cain420

    Wow RO/DI Water

    the extra ro water i have, i use to water my plants. They love it! Couldnt get one of my plants to flower, but since i am using ro on it, it grew 2 flowers in a week! It does take 5 gallons of water to make 1 gallon of ro water, so if u use too much, your water bill will increase! For every...
  6. cain420

    Too Loud!

    Originally Posted by Mikeyjer Try listening to water being sucked down in the overflow box!!! Talking about loud noise...Good thing I run a fan to sleep all night, that takes care of the noise.... put a bio-ball on top of the bulkhead in the back of the overflow.. this will stop the votrex...
  7. cain420

    Questions about lighting and canisters

    most people with a reef tank remove the wet/dry filter and go with just a fuge. The wet/dry will collect nitrates, as opposed to the fuge, which will EAT the nitrates. The fuge will also remove co2 and produce oxygen for your tank.
  8. cain420

    do clownfish sleep motionless?

    well, it may have been a little too early.. But it seems as though they were sick. The second one died a few days ago, but the scooter blenny and the cleaner wrasse are doing great (hope they continue to do good).. Cycled in a week and a half and waited a few days (about 4 days) to make sure it...
  9. cain420

    filteration and lighting question

    halides are prety much a must for a reef tank.. provide the best light possible! as far as filtering, get an overflow box goin down to a refugium... thats the best u can do for a reef tank.. other filters will collect nitrates and cause a problem eventually, while the fuge will literally eat up...
  10. cain420

    Freshwater Test Kit

    Originally Posted by moorea2 LOL... Just found the Saltwater kit I purchased... So where the heck did the frshwater kit come from, I've never had a freshwater tank!! maybe someone is telling u to get one! lol if its un-open, sell it on the auction site!
  11. cain420

    Lighting and Canisters for new 75g Q tank

    please.. this is 5 threads on the exact same thing... calm down, as someone will reply to your first one in due time...there is no need to keep reposting, u can simply add a reply to your existing ones. some people just type "bump" to bring up my post.. or just type "anyone?" dont mean to grill...
  12. cain420

    How to feed the inhabitants?

    i imagine your wife wants nothing to do with it because she doesnt want to end up killing your fish.. try to convince her to underfeed, as this will be better then too much, or none at all. buy some of the pill containers that are labeled sunday thru saturday and put just enough food in each...
  13. cain420

    High Tank Temp Help

    try having one fan blow in and one suck out, to create a tunnel effect for the fixture. it might help, im not too sure though..
  14. cain420

    REEK tank!!!

    but is it likely that the green hair algae is dying and causing this? i recently cut my lights to 6 hours per day to help battle it
  15. cain420

    REEK tank!!!

    ok, i think it may be the green hair algae dying, or at least thats what i hope it is.. but my tank is beginning to stink!!! I put some chaeto in the sump today (piping in a separate fuge later this week) any suggestions on smell removal?
  16. cain420

    What do y'all name your fish?

    Originally Posted by Tyr-Sog I've learned not to name fish. I name them, they die.:scared: thats what happened to my 2 clowns that got named!!! the other 2 fish are nameless and alive!
  17. cain420

    need a little help plz

    do a google search for overflow boxes.. i would tell ya a few sites, but not allowed to on the boards.. or check with your lfs.. one of mine has someone who makes all the stuff for them to sell in their store..
  18. cain420

    New 40 Gallon

    i said it is suggested u add one at a time.. i have read of people adding 2 at a time with no problems but if u add too many at once, u will overload your bio-filtration and cycle again.
  19. cain420

    brown alge

    chaetomorpha macro-algae is good for using up the nutrients that other algaes thrive on. I just picked up a big bag of it from my lfs for $10 and put it in my sump until i get my parts for the fuge.. It also uses up carbon dioxide and releases oxygen into the water as well as lowering nitrates.