Search results

  1. chrismilano

    Niger Trigger white specks

    Im watching a Niger Trigger Juvenile (2-3 inches) at Zoos Pets. Id like to buy him, but he has a white speck on his back and another on his side. I dont want to buy him until I can identify this. I dont think its ick since theres only 2 spots. Sales guy said it may start with an L but he couldnt...
  2. chrismilano

    niger trigger growth

    Doh! I found a nice juvanile trigger for $20 at Zoos Pets, but he has a white speck on his back and another on his side. I didnt want to buy him until I asked you guys what this could be. I didnt think it was ick since there were only 2 spots. Any ideas?
  3. chrismilano

    night owls?

    Im lucky enough to have to work til 3am, so what better way to waste time than to learn about da fishies?
  4. chrismilano

    niger trigger growth

    If I go get one of the tiny cute niger triggers (3-5 inches), how fast will he mature? Im planning my tank and Im looking (72 gal) 2 perc clowns, niger, yellow tang, mandarin (next year w/rock growth)
  5. chrismilano

    low lighting corals

    Ok, but if I have NO coral, but Im worried about my Fiji rock coraline dying off, is 40 watt sufficient? Im about to go get a bulb for my 25 lbs of fiji. For 70 gallons, 250-300 watts, right? Should I bother if I have no coral inverts?
  6. chrismilano

    The Fish Game! Put these in order!

    Thanks for the advice. I wanted gobies to sift my cc and the catalinas looked cool. you've once again saved me from a $50 error. Back to the drawing board. Chris
  7. chrismilano

    Quiet Prizm replacement

    I sold my prizm. I dont want to hear it anymore. What skimmers should I be looking at under $200 that dont require any extra "hookup stuff" and are quiet?
  8. chrismilano

    The Fish Game! Put these in order!

    I wasnt aware of that. Ill turn my heater to the minimum and do some research on the temp requirements of my clowns and snails. making a note of in now... Thanks
  9. chrismilano

    skimmer or no skimmer????

    I have a book that says protein skimmers prevent ick in yellow tangs. When I get ahold of the book later, Ill quote it for you. Remind me at
  10. chrismilano

    Prizm Skimmer on Auction

    I just sold my prizm on ---- for $70. I cant deal with the noise anymore when my fluval is so quiet! Im going to try another hangon skimmer called the a-something (i forget...) Great job, just sounds like a sucking straw.
  11. chrismilano

    The Fish Game! Put these in order!

    crushed coral. also 10 lbs of tufa to seed, but I think Im going to buy one nice 15 lb live rock to top it off. Should I add the cleaner crew now, or after the gobies?
  12. chrismilano

    The Fish Game! Put these in order!

    Ive got a 70 gallon with 20 lbs live rock and 2 perculas. Which order should I get these in? big 20 cleaning kit anthias 4 catalina gobies yellow tang flame angel yellow spotted puffer Feel free to include a timeline! thanks! :D
  13. chrismilano


    Peg, dont get down - your tank sounds like a mirror of mine. 70 gallon, 6 weeks in and high nitrites with a brown diatom bloom. I just still them up and sweep them into a net. DO NOT do any water changes, this will only prolong it. Every weekend I just tell myself 1 more week!
  14. chrismilano

    Bulging eye

    see: clown has a popeye above
  15. chrismilano

    cloudy water?

    If your tank is new (and it looks like it is) I personally had a white cloudy problem (theres a joke there somewhere) because: I forgot to rinse out my cc substrate before I put it in. Had to remove it all and rinse it out.
  16. chrismilano

    best light for 75

    Hi. I am the WRONG person to give you this because I dont know enough about light, but Im 99% sure that for a 75 tank that is NOT a reed, you need between 200-300 watts. Be aware that there are different types of light however. 2 bulbs may be the same wattage, but cover different frequencies...
  17. chrismilano

    Prizm skimmer

    You may want to give it a nice warm bath with soap. Just BE SURE to completely rinse it out so you dont introduce the soap into your tank. I dont know about bubbles (that should be fixed by reducing your intake valve) but the instructions recommend a washing to remove algae.
  18. chrismilano


    So does that mean you totally dont use the impeller at all, just unplug it? does the stone produce the same amount of bubbles?
  19. chrismilano


    Sorry, dont know how to find people by email... Krusk, Im trying to quiet my prizm like you said, but Im confused. Yes, clamping the hose quiets it alot. Then I put the pump on one end of the hose and the stone on the other, but where does the stone go? In the reaction chamber? In the collection...
  20. chrismilano

    does test kits expire?

    to answer your question yes they expire rather quickly, but ONLY after you open them. keep in dark place