Search results

  1. chrismilano

    when should I get clean up crew

    You can start with a decent size crew right through the cycle. Avoid any stars (brittles, etc) as they will drop most of their legs. I would get a dozen blues (the reds are too expensive to put in a young tank) and a dozen snails and 2-3 emerald crabs. Maybe even a sally lightfoot (not sure how...
  2. chrismilano

    sixline mysterious disappeared!

    check that live rock one more time... Ive heard all too often that fish have vanished. 9 times out of 10 they're hiding in a cavity in the rock or something. Good Luck!
  3. chrismilano

    Flame Angel

    just be sure to include algae in his diet; they cannot live on meaty food alone.
  4. chrismilano

    Adding aragonite sand

    If I was to ever make the move to sand, I would completely remove all cc. Sand and CC is just as bad as cc alone. You wont be able to do it after...
  5. chrismilano

    Dream project - octostarhorses

    Thanks everyone... Is it possible to build a refugium without drilling my main tank? Ill do a search on how to set one up, but maybe that's my answer... thanks again chris :p
  6. chrismilano

    Dream project - octostarhorses

    Ok - Im starting to think about what if I get a 30-40 gallon tank just to house an octopus, starfish (I know octopi do NOT eat stars) and seahorses. DSB, RO water, protein skimmer... Any advice? Can the 3 live together? is a filter necessary?
  7. chrismilano

    Emerald crabs reproducing

    Must be that underwater disco ball... Emerald crab prices just went for $4 to $7 here in S. jersey so your timing couldnt be better!
  8. chrismilano

    r/o do i need one???

    As for whether or not you NEED one, it really depends on what's in your tank. If you have a reed tank with anenomaes, starfish, corals, and other sensitive inverts, then yes,I would recommend one. If you have a fish only tank and your not using putrid city tap water, than you can do without...
  9. chrismilano

    Those Darn Nitrites!

    I went 9 WEEKS with my 70 gallon. Just dont do anything dumb like add cycle or any additives. Live rock will help, but believe me, I didnt believe it either, but they will suddenly drop over 2 days.
  10. chrismilano

    I wish i can trade or sell my fish

    I sell mine back to Zoos , a chain in phila, s. jersey
  11. chrismilano

    HorseShoe crab

    They get very big and they usually dont last more than a month or two. Not sure about diet
  12. chrismilano


    how old is your tank? what substrate? do you use tap water? this causes diatoms. Crushed coral must be stirred up and scooped with a net each day (or every other day)
  13. chrismilano

    Starfish compatability

    NO! Choc will eat him. PS - be sure your tank is at LEAST 6 months old to get a blue linkia and also be sure to acclimate him for over 18 hours by dripping water into his bag (see linkia acclimating post via search) They are very delicate. <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]"...
  14. chrismilano

    flame scallop info please

    Hi. Id like to get a flame scallop at my LFS, but have low light. Tank is only 3 months old. How will it do in a 70 gallon FOWLR? Light is a 40 watt tube in a sunlit foyer. Will a copperband butterfly or a flame angel eat it. (I know a baby Niger may, but Ill risk that...) Thanks
  15. chrismilano

    Mixing triggers

    Thanks for all the good advice. I got Vlad the Impaler (my Niger) a nice copperband butterfly. Much less aggrivation and I dont have to feed him $2 scarlet hermits!
  16. chrismilano

    LFS - i didn't like them but today changed my mind

    I was pleasantly surprised when I tried to buy a copperband at my LFS and they wouldnt sell him to me because they havnt gotten him to eat properly yet. :D
  17. chrismilano

    compatibility page?????

    I give up. Somebody metioned the fish compatability page here. Where?
  18. chrismilano

    strange and unusual fish?

    My LFS just got my Dream Fish... Blue Spotted Stingray in a 200 gallon reef. He is sooo cool looking but my wife is afraid because she read that they can kill you. Guess that's a good reason to avoid them. :p
  19. chrismilano

    Mixing triggers

    Can I add a medium clown trigger to a 72 gallon tank with only a juvenile niger trigger in it? Will they get along?
  20. chrismilano

    Te Gusta Las Chicas Gordas con Queso Verde?

    I couldnt resist. Sorry. Ill go away now. (ps - its do you like fat girls with green cheese) That concludes our spanish lesson here on