Search results

  1. chrismilano

    Well water

    At the very least, use bottled water for your initial fill and if you must, use the well water for topping off. Problem is, well water contains several heavy metals such as iron.
  2. chrismilano

    Seaweed selects

    Around here, the brown is half the cost of the others. Problem is, copperband and yellow tang wont touch much of it... havnt tried the others.
  3. chrismilano

    molting crabs

    Sally really faked me out. I found her skin and thought it was her dead body. glad I found her 2 days later before I replaced her! Cleaner shrimp did the same thing. Molted, antennae and all!
  4. chrismilano

    sea clone or prizm?

    Prizm is very loud. Sounds like a sucking straw. Personally, Ive been considering ditching mine just to find something silent. Not sure which is silent though.
  5. chrismilano

    copper banded butterfly

    I tried putting a copperband in a 72, and he got stressed out and developed lymph on his fins. They are apparently very fragile!
  6. chrismilano

    is a red sea niger diff. than a niger?

    Thanks. This is the same LFS that insisted that 40 watts is PLENTY of light for a 70 gallon reef tank. Then he got insulted that I wanted to buy a pc light on ---- for 220 when he had it for $480. Anyway.... (yes, theres a dude on ---- who makes pc light to rival jbj for $220 for 48inch 200 watts.
  7. chrismilano

    is a red sea niger diff. than a niger?

    I have a juvenile niger trigger. Its bluish. The LFS tells me that the reason its not black is because the black is a red sea niger and mine is a different species. Problem is that they're full of crap 90 percent of the time. Anyone have the correct answer? Thanks chris
  8. chrismilano

    can I put more than 1 starfish in my tank

    Well.... 10 gallons isnt a healty situation, but thats not the real problem. Be aware the the blue linkia starfish is the most delicate of all. It shouldnt be added unless your tank is at least 6 months old and must be drip-acclimated for a full 24 hours. If you properly acclimate it, it may...
  9. chrismilano

    Help please! I am lost

    Maybe Im missing something, but I think the reason you're not getting a response is that I dont know what the heck you're talking about. Your ph is 8.1. Thats good. Your cycle process is ammonia spike, nitrite spike, nitrate growth. My 70 gallon cycle took 8 weeks, but 4-6 is more normal. How...
  10. chrismilano

    ribbon eel growth rate?

    ARRRGHHHHROOAARRR NOOO!! Ribbon Eels escape tanks. I am sooo mad at myself for leaving the back of my tank top open. I havnt been this depressed in as long as I can remember - seriously. I cant %@*#&ing believe I let myself allow a fish to die. Its bad enough when a fish dies of normal reasons...
  11. chrismilano

    ribbon eel growth rate?

    I have a juvenile ribbon eel, so naturally, he's black. Does anyone know at what point he will turn blue? Any other advice is more than welcome too! I know feeding is to be a challenge, so give me a yell! (Rhinomuraena quaesita)
  12. chrismilano

    New 54g corner tank!

    Best of luck! Be sure not to used crushed coral in the corner tank... It may be too much trouble to remove waste from a tank with a small bottom surface area.
  13. chrismilano

    should snails go in q-tank?

    According to my aquarium troubleshooting book at home, only fish need to be qt'd. Inverts do not.
  14. chrismilano


    Ask your LFS to feed live brine to him. If you're lucky he'll eat live brine and you should be ok with him. I would still add 10 lbs live rock though...
  15. chrismilano

    Diving into lighting.. Help!!

    I was sure that my LFS was wrong. Im looking at the jbj power compact kits, but they're like $320 cheap and $500 average for a 48inch 220 watt. Debating.....
  16. chrismilano

    niger trigger sick

    My niger gets those often. At first I was worried too, but I think they're just scratches and they come and go. Dont fret too much, just keep an eye out and make sure he only has 2 or 3 at a time. Its very common and I dont think its a disease or a parasite.
  17. chrismilano

    Diving into lighting.. Help!!

    I dont know what to believe. Books, say 3 watts/gallon. 2 LFS tell me thats not necessary and 40 watt neon is fine?!? I have a 72 gallon with 4-5 fish in it. I dont want an elaborate reef, but I do want a carpet anen, bubble coral and a clam. I have RO water and 40 lbs live rock, but I...
  18. chrismilano

    How often do you go to the LFS??

    I go every other day but I guess that's because Im lucky enough to have a well-run local momandpop store with new and different stuff. I was starting too think I was getting addicted!
  19. chrismilano

    Garlic Juice

    Soak the food overnight.
  20. chrismilano

    cycling tank with chromis

    Green Chromis damsels are probably gentle enough to leave in the tank after the cycle (they're the least aggressive damsel), but a good compromise to stressing a fish out during a cycle is to go with the cocktail shrimp and maybe a small cleanup crew. Ive been told that the crew is ok through...