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  1. fishfanny79

    First Pics of 120 Reef

    There are a lot of 'you shouldn'ts' in this hobby...but a lot of them are based on a MILLION things. You also aren't 'supposed' to keep 10 tangs together, but I do it successfully.
  2. fishfanny79

    First Pics of 120 Reef

    I also kept a flame angel and a coral beauty angel in a 125 with no issues. They are now in a 215, and still no issues. They don't even pay attention to each other.
  3. fishfanny79

    Moving my reef half way across country, should I risk it?

    Not necessarily reefer friends, but ask your LFS if they will send it to you once you set up after the move. I'm sure they will for a few dollars.
  4. fishfanny79

    Tangs in a Reef

    I have 3 yellow tangs, 1 sailfin, 1 blonde naso, 1 naso, 1 hippo, 1 golden edge, 1 scopas, plus 2 pygmy angels, 10 cardinals, 3 clowns, lmb, 6line wrasse, and a mandarin. pics soon... p.s. this is a 215 gallon reef with over 300lbs of lr...
  5. fishfanny79

    Can two cleaner shrimp go together?

    Cleaners actually should NOT be kept singly. Same as peppermints...they are social shrimp. That is why your LFS probably keeps like 20 together in the same tank. I think 2 cleaners in your tank will be fine...not too many I mean.
  6. fishfanny79

    watts per gal question

    Depends on what you want to have in the tank...for a reef I think for a general rule I like to say 4 watts a gallon or better. (really 3 or 3.5 should be ok) The better the lighting, the more you can keep. If it's fish only, I don't even think it matters.
  7. fishfanny79

    dwarf angels.

    I keep 2 together, a Flame and Coral Beauty...they are about the same size and were added together. They were initially introduced in a 125 reef with about 200lbs of LR. Now they are in a 215 and they not only show no aggression, they hang out and swim together. People that know 'the...
  8. fishfanny79

    ? for yellow tang owners

    P.S. 3 of my tangs are yellows. Oh and my scopas THINKS he's a yellow.
  9. fishfanny79

    ? for yellow tang owners

    I have some hair and 8 tangs...none of them really touch it. I just installed a PhosBan reactor last week, so hopefully my phosphates will be in control all the time. Sometimes tangs just don't eat hair algae. Either that or they like the red, green, and brown that I feed them on a regular...
  10. fishfanny79

    can shrimp really clean fish of ick and other parasites????

    oh god Tangs are pretty quick. Especially cus the ones you want to catch KNOW that you want to catch them. They aren't stupid lol The ones you don't want to catch come up and bite your fingers.
  11. fishfanny79

    Mandarin Dragonet any tips??

    Setup a nice refugium and then in time you can have a mandarin with no worries!
  12. fishfanny79

    tank mates

    What size is the naso? Unless you have a small one, he should't be picked on at all. Especially in a 150. How big is the yellow? Which tang was the first in the tank? The thing about the yellow being in their first is that he is pretty territorial. The naso should be pretty docile...just...
  13. fishfanny79

    can shrimp really clean fish of ick and other parasites????

    See, unless someone has a suggestion to my problem, I can't get a fish out once it has Ick. I have a 215 gallon reef and catching a fish with 300lbs of LR (especially one of my tangs) would be pretty impossible. So other than the UV, 83-84 degree water, garlic in the food, keeping em fat and...
  14. fishfanny79

    220,000 Gallon Aquarium...

    Hope you all next project is taking pics of MY tank before I give my mom back her camera. LOL So be on the lookout for pics of my 215 gallon TANG REEF TANK. I'm sure the tang police will be on the lookout!
  15. fishfanny79

    220,000 Gallon Aquarium...

  16. fishfanny79

    220,000 Gallon Aquarium...

    Tangs Tangs Tangs
  17. fishfanny79

    220,000 Gallon Aquarium...

    Better one of the sailfins thickness...