Search results

  1. v-lioness

    Triggers in a reef?

    What does your's do? I have heard the Pinktails are reefsafe for the most part. The Pinktail and Niger can be risky in a reef compared to Xanthichthys, as a juvenile it is a great Trigger to have, but will eat inverts (Shrimp, Crab, Urchins, Snails and so on) this is a trigger that will pick at...
  2. v-lioness

    Triggers in a reef?

    pinktail triggers are considered reef safe as well. Wish someone would explain this to my Pinktail........
  3. v-lioness

    Triggers in a reef?

    What kinds are best? Bluethroat, Crosshatch, Sargassum (Xanthichthys) these are the three I would look at if you want to add one to your reef tank, keep in mind a trigger is a trigger, they require room to swim, space to establish territory and are waste makers. I did not add the Niger or...
  4. v-lioness

    Can I get a Green Bird Wrasse for a future stock list for a 175-?

    do you think the green bird wrasse would mess around with my two perculas -? There is always a chance the bird wrasse could kill them yes, there is no guarantee, But because the clowns are already established, I think you will be OK, I would not attempt to add smaller fish after the bird wrasse...
  5. v-lioness

    Can I get a Green Bird Wrasse for a future stock list for a 175-?

    They are very fast open swimmers, your list looks OK, I would say go for it. Kaye
  6. v-lioness


    Give him time to settle in, you can feed your lion live ghost shrimp (feed them something nutritional first), keep trying the frozen foods, pick up a feeding stick/prong to feed with. Kaye
  7. v-lioness

    What does your triggers eat?

    Your pinktails diet is 50/50 Meaty foods and Greens, and it should be eating the greens daily......... My pinktail will eat anything. Kaye
  8. v-lioness

    special gloves

    I am sorry to say but No, people have been stung even through marine gloves. Kaye
  9. v-lioness

    thinking about a lionfish....

    As much as the initial sting feels like a bee sting, is not saying the venom is the same. I really have not been able to find anything saying the venom is the same or even similar. However, I will say, I am allergic to bee stings yet not lion stings. It certainly would be great if anyone...
  10. v-lioness

    Aggressive and Acrylic

    I have heard this rumor before right along with urchins making holes in the acrylic One thing to really watch for though, if you have a magnetic cleaner, don't let the sand get under it while cleaning, it will scratch. Congrats and Good Luck with your new tank, just remember stock accordingly...
  11. v-lioness

    24g Nano cube

    I would not suggest a dwarf lion in a 24g, these are messy fish that produce quite a bit of waste, it will be tough to keep your water quality in check. Kaye
  12. v-lioness

    Found a Fu manchu Lion Fish!!

    I also like the Radiata and the Zebra. Which one is the best choice for my first Lion??? Zebra would be your best choice, 6-8 inches and require around 30 gallons, very similar to caring for a Fuzzy Dwarf. The Radiated is more difficult, requires pristine water, gets larger than the zebra and...
  13. v-lioness

    Found a Fu manchu Lion Fish!!

    What are you looking for here, do you need info on these lions? Are you looking to purchase a lion, but are undecided what lion? What size tank do you have? Kaye
  14. v-lioness

    Lionfish Sick

    Sorry to hear about your lion, No, the shed will not pollute the tank, strange that your lion died that fast, keep a close eye on your eel, make sure this does not spread. Did you add anything to the tank like, rock, snails, hermits, corals, anything wet that may have brought in some type of...
  15. v-lioness

    Sick Lionfish
  16. v-lioness

    Lionfish Sick

    It could be bacterial, if the Lion is Darting around the tank, watch for shedding, you will see a whitish film floating or on the rock. Darting along with cloudy eyes, bacterial or parasite. To treat for bacterial, I use K-Mycin (Kanamyacin), follow directions on package. If the Lion is still...
  17. v-lioness

    What do you feed your discus?

    Beautiful Debbie, my favorite FW fish, I kept them for years before going into SW. I always say if my 300g ever crashes, it will be a discus tank, planted. Kaye
  18. v-lioness

    Lionfish eating issue - HELP

    Great to hear!!! Kaye
  19. v-lioness


    Oh yes, they will eat all inverts, I have yet to find one that can survive my Bird Wrasses, Snails, Crabs, Urchins, Stars and any life in the rock, including bristle worms. My male will kill smaller fish, I would not trust one in a reef, Great fish to have though. Kaye
  20. v-lioness

    what do u think

    The Blackedge Moray should be OK with the Lion, since they feed on crustations, smaller fish and so on..... Most lions and eels do not mix, eels prey upon lions in the wild, with the exception of a few. The Humu Trigger may eventually kill the Lion, they are notorious for doing that and is...