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  1. angelofish

    Tang Food

    The cheapest is the nori.I think the $30 was a typo.More like $3.You get more for your money than buying the LFS stuff. Think about it. Those veggies don't grow in the ocean.
  2. angelofish

    How many hermits?

    How many is too many in a 55g? I counted about 11 misc. including a good sized electric blue. Can I get more.? I would like to get more scarlets..I never really had an algae problem but do have alot of snail/fish crap.Will they clean this up?How many do you have in your tanks?
  3. angelofish

    would i be overstocked?

    Does a skimmer oxygenate the water?
  4. angelofish

    phosphate levels/diatom prob.

    Im still trying to find the secret behind my brown sand.My phosphate test came in and I tested my tank.The reading was 0.5. Is this high enough to cause problems?My tap tested about the same.Im going to add a new phos-zorb. ....I also remembered adding a small bag of marine sand(estes) I didnt...
  5. angelofish

    Q on Hitchhikers

    I also caught a crab that Ive been watching for some time.Ive only seen him clean rocks.I think its a sally lightfoot.Its brownish with stripes on its legs.:confused: Are they safe?I have him in the qt for now.
  6. angelofish

    Q on Hitchhikers

    I notice some digging near some recently added LR.Last night I saw a small tunnel near the front of the glass.It seems to be a white,pistol shrimp about 1 inch in size. Does anyone think it'll be a problem. What will it eat?
  7. angelofish

    Is it ok to turn off skimmer at night time?

    So did the LFS come threw or did you get the skimmer online?You'll get used to the new noise.I used to have a 55 FW in my room.
  8. angelofish

    does anyone keep a log of there tank

    I use a program called Aqualog. I dont remember where I got it but it was free.You can customize it to suit your needs.You can type in any info for that day.It'll keep track of the date.You can keep track of Nitrate,SG,Ammonia etc.It also has pop ups for tasks that need to be done soon or if...
  9. angelofish

    I dont feel so good.

    Do you have a job? You could always ask them to match the money you save. parents love that "show me how responsible you can be" type of stuff. You could also sell your old set up. You never know who might be looking for a set up like yours.Your chances of selling are even better near Christmas...
  10. angelofish

    Thinking About Converting This To Salt Water!!!!

    Get outta here!!!! Theres no way you would tear up that sweet looking pond. C'mon admit it!! You just wanted us to check out the pond. Nice try. .................All jokes aside,that IS a nice pond.
  11. angelofish

    How to tell the difference between turbo's and Nassarius snails

    Where' did you buy them? Maybe they pulled a switch.
  12. angelofish

    My 55 gal 8 months old

    Sweet!!! Gotta love those 55's. I got one too.
  13. angelofish

    Who should i be mad at?

    Local Fish Store:happyfish
  14. angelofish

    Who should i be mad at?

    Find an online store and phone in the order using your Dads card.Not to take anything from here but if you can't phone in here try another place. Be mad at yourself because you could've had it by now. Not to mention,it might take some time to break-in.All that time wasted couldve been your...
  15. angelofish

    Is this even a peppermint shrimp?

    The camel has a noticable hump on its back. .What kind of anemones were they? The Pep shrimp is supposedly eats pests anemones. Ive read the pep. might eats polyps too though.The shrimp was probably stealing food from the scallop.
  16. angelofish

    Diatoms all of a sudden.Why?

    A couple of months? Ive been using it for way over a year.Why no problem till now?.
  17. angelofish

    Diatoms all of a sudden.Why?

    I just realized I also stopped using Bio-chem zorb. Could this be causing the brown sand problem? Im using carbon for now. Is carbon pretty much the same thing? :notsure:
  18. angelofish

    Calcium levels

    I bought a Seatest calcium test kit a while ago but rarely use it.I never liked counting all the drops. I just tried it again and determined its in the 660-675 range.Is this acceptable? nothings dying or acting weird. The reason for checking is that I want to excellerate coraline growth.I have...
  19. angelofish

    Any one seem to have a extinction of pods?

    Pretty much a liverock-rubble pile where pods can hideout.
  20. angelofish

    The Kids are doing well

    HA! HA! I was the first one. Just joking! Bang Guy I guess a filter would be out of the question when raising them. How were water changes done when they were smaller?