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  1. wfd1008


    It's easy for people to critique after the fact, but in the moment, what would you really do? I'm betting that the medics were on their own in this case cause the fire dept. was tied up with calls of their own, so there probably was no mutual aid, or lift assist. Sure they could have just...
  2. wfd1008

    Protien skimmer

    It might still be getting broke in?
  3. wfd1008


    Originally Posted by Cranberry I answer every alarm....... And so do I, are you fire or medic?
  4. wfd1008


    I'm not defending the paramedics in this case, cause yes they should have walked to see what was happening, but the story doesn't tell everything. Something people don't think about are the frequent fliers of 911. Was this such a person? People abuse the 911 service ALL the time for things...
  5. wfd1008

    Is government broken?

    There's no accountability, and there's way to much GREED in government.
  6. wfd1008

    Sea Robin

    Originally Posted by gastineaub Gerber's Saltwater warehouse has one - as of two days ago. It's in Dayton, Ohio. Not sure where you're at in Ohio though. Have you seen the price of some of their mated pairs of clowns??? Was in there and about hit the floor.
  7. wfd1008

    Too much light?

    if it fits, why not?
  8. wfd1008

    Id please

    ...and when they start to spread, look out. They WILL spread.
  9. wfd1008

    Is government broken?

    Originally Posted by SLF125 I think you don't understand what im saying. First, ill try to find an article on the 7 senators, i just remember it was on the news a while back. Second im fairly sure they were all or mostly democrats. Third, when i say the republicans are being obstructionist i...
  10. wfd1008

    Not sure what I should do.

    I know it's not your responsibility, but maybe you could try and give the dog some training in the two months you care for it, if you do. If you do watch it, I know it easier said then done, but try and make the best of it. If it gets too bad, then maybe the dog "might have run out into the...
  11. wfd1008

    Can you Glue richordea?

    Southgate in NKY. Campbell Co.
  12. wfd1008

    Can you Glue richordea?

    I think you'll need to wait till it attaches itself to something, then you can glue it to a bigger rock. If you try to glue the shroom itself, it will probably slime off and float away. Try and get some netting (I use old orange bags and cut them in small pieces) and a plastic container. Cut...
  13. wfd1008

    2nd Amendment limitations...

    Originally Posted by bionicarm Please. Not the golf club, stick, baseball bat analogy for justifying owning an assault weapon. Which of those 'weapons' could cut someone down 100 yards away with 50 'hits' in 10 seconds? You've never seen my slice.
  14. wfd1008

    nano tank Help

    I have a JBJ 12-gal nano, and things were fine until my fans started going out. Other then that, I like it. Just wish now it was bigger, but isn't that always the case?
  15. wfd1008

    Turbo Snail Q:?

    No, it'll stay in the shell it has and just grow, shell and all.
  16. wfd1008

    Mixed Reviews on Asterina Stars.

    Originally Posted by pbnj A respectable site says they're all bad.... "Several people have argued that these starfish are harmless, but we have yet to find any that will not eat coral polyps. It is our recommendation that if you discover this type of starfish in your reef aquarium that you...
  17. wfd1008

    Help, girlfriend is about to kill me!

    Pen, trust me, you did yourself a favor.
  18. wfd1008

    Giant 10" black percula clown.... ????

    I think the LFS mislabeled that clown. I believe that it's a black saddleback clown.
  19. wfd1008

    Does it bug anyone else...

    Not really, no.
  20. wfd1008

    Wavepoint T-5 HO lights
