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  1. wfd1008

    there is nothing more annoying than ick!

    Ick does blow, but battling bubble algae ranks up there also
  2. wfd1008

    Skimmers: Red Sea or CPR?

    Originally Posted by RyanT I had a different experience with customer service. My impeller was making a funny noise so i emailed them and they sent me a brand new one free of charge since the skimmer was fairly new. I will agree on the skimmer being sensitive to anything thats added to the...
  3. wfd1008

    why so angry everybody ?

    Who stepped on who's pumas?
  4. wfd1008

    Skimmers: Red Sea or CPR?

    I've never owned a CPR, but I do have a Red Sea. I would never buy a anything from Red Sea again, mainly due to the fact that their customer service sucks!!! They were ignorant about their product and rude in the process. Now to the simmer: it works most of the time, but when you add...
  5. wfd1008

    Dumb PVC question.....

    I wouldn't think so. I've seen alot of shelves built with pvc and egg crate. I would just get all of the shavings off before I put it in the tank.
  6. wfd1008

    How big??

    There's a LFS around here that has a pair in one of their display tanks that's been in there I think the guy said 10yrs. and the female in only about 3 or 4in. I think the tank is about 150gal.
  7. wfd1008

    canister filter is spraying webbing

    is your anemone in there?
  8. wfd1008

    Feeding Anemones

    is this anemone in the same tank that you're having problems with the filter?
  9. wfd1008

    The Water Change Club

    5-gal in a 55 and 2-gal in a 12 nano.
  10. wfd1008

    will percs host an elegance coral?

    Maybe, I've got one hosting in a candy coral and a pair hosted in a colt.
  11. wfd1008

    Help.. Live rock turning dark!!!!!

    does it form a mat over the rocks?
  12. wfd1008

    Help.. Live rock turning dark!!!!!

    fluorescent light? Does the algae feel slimy when you touch it?
  13. wfd1008

    Algae Explosion in Tank

    get a clean up crew. when you do water changes, do you clean your substrate and what kind do you have?
  14. wfd1008

    Algae Explosion in Tank

    RUN and HIDE!!!!! The tang police will be coming for you. Say nothing, admit to nothing.
  15. wfd1008

    The Water Change Club

    Just did one of my tanks: 5 gal in a 29 gal.
  16. wfd1008

    Help.. Live rock turning dark!!!!!

    when you scrape it off, does it come off in large pieces? Kinda sounds like slime algae. what type of lights are you running?
  17. wfd1008

    What the heck are these thingys...

    Are they hard or soft?
  18. wfd1008

    Peppermint Shrimp

    they would constantly pick at my rics, candy canes and sun polyps. When I would feed, they would reach down it the mouths of my corals and pull food out. I watched them flip or pull snails off the glass and would pick at them until they were able to get at the meat. I also saw one pick at a...
  19. wfd1008

    Peppermint Shrimp

    I'll say 99%. The first group I had I got from a LFS, the next group I had I ordered here, and they all looked the same.
  20. wfd1008

    Peppermint Shrimp

    no, they were peppermint shrimp.