why so angry everybody ?


Active Member
i think everyone needs to step back take a deep breath in then let it out slowly. maybe have a drink or 2, roll one if ya got it. chillllllllll.

can't we all just get along


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennythebugg
i think everyone needs to step back take a deep breath in then let it out slowly. maybe have a drink or 2, roll one if ya got it. chillllllllll.

can't we all just get along

x 10
I'll take you up on the drink, the other stuff never did much for me.


Active Member
In the immortal words of Sgt Schultz. I see nothing, NOTHING!!!!!

I will sit and chat with you all, gotta pass on the drink thanks. Got some chocolate?


Active Member
It's the modern version of the Hatfield's and McCoy's. Except now it's the Tea Baggers and the Socialist Liberals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
It's the modern version of the Hatfield's and McCoy's. Except now it's the Tea Baggers and the Socialist Liberals.

out of fareness, it is the liberal kooks who seem to have some problems lately...


Active Member
This place is better than RR. RR has too much foul language and foul treatment. Good mods are important. Who knew?
That's only my opinion.
There you guys go pushing alcohol again. Drugs are never the answer. Don't forget that there are young people on the forums.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
out of fareness, it is the liberal kooks who seem to have some problems lately...
That's only because they are outnumbered on this site. Go to a pro-Liberal forum, and all you'd have to do is change the word 'liberal' to 'Conservative/Fundamentalists' in your sentence, and you'd get the same response.


Staff member
All people are welcome at Saltwaterfish.com.
This is not the conservative site. Or the liberal site.
Its the happening
fish site.
Just as Guy locked out TheClemsonKid's topic for name-calling bias, so can any conservative themed topic be closed out for the same thing. And maybe we should keep closer tabs on that.
Keep the name calling off of SWF.com, please. You can have opinions, and express them, without being insulting to anyone.