Search results

  1. xtremenemo

    125 or 150 gallon?

    ok guys I have only had saltwater fish for 3 months now and I think i am going to do another up grade. What is better for a fish only dispaly? The 125 is only 500 with stand lid and lights. the 150 is 568 with stand only, does any one know anyplace online that sells aquariums in michigan or how...
  2. xtremenemo

    wtb 125-150 gallon with stand

    Does anyone have a 125-150 gallon tank with stand or not for sale in the michigan area???? thanks
  3. xtremenemo

    WANTED 75 gallon tank in ILL

    I am willing to part with my 85 gallon and all glass tops in a little bit if you are interested.
  4. xtremenemo

    125 Gal. Set-up

    great offer just wish your were closer.
  5. xtremenemo

    clown triggerfish

    2 inches and 50 bux remember they are assholes when they grow up
  6. xtremenemo

    Beth I know you can help me

    i guess it wont work but if i cant get rid of the puffer I will have to do with the copper. I wanted a reef tank will be for the better.
  7. xtremenemo

    Beth I know you can help me

    ok i hope you dont get mad at me but i got some cooper and i plan on taking all the inverts and live rock out of the tank and just leaving fish forever!!!! The anemne will be in the hex, i will use dead rock for the eel and others to hide. I am starting to move right now. I will do a fresh water...
  8. xtremenemo


    I just was about to go to the store i wanted to know if you were responding to my thread or if you were too busy, thanks.
  9. xtremenemo

    Beth I know you can help me

    OKAY(sounds like fun)Beth, Here are my things that I might do because thanksgiving is coming up and I will be leaving to go home for 2 days. 1.) try to purchase a 18w emperor aquatics uv sterilizer from this guy in my area (problem: dont know much about uv and i know that this isnt going to...
  10. xtremenemo

    emperor 18w uv no bulb in michigan

    ok I have the bulb and I want to know if i can please have it. email me at I just found a bulb and I want to know if there is anything else i need to know about it to find the bulb. helix? or something? the lfs wants to know so i can find a bulb thanks so much.
  11. xtremenemo

    Thanks beth and terry

    I just was reading all the terrible things that everyone was experiencing and I've decided to soad my food in garlic and buy a uv sterilizer for my one fish with ick. I think that is the best way to go without catching the fish. Thanks guys for your help and i hope I dont have to ask many more...
  12. xtremenemo

    emperor 18w uv no bulb in michigan

    how much for the bulb? i live in michigan
  13. xtremenemo

    Beth I know you can help me

    i little bit more clear
  14. xtremenemo

    Beth I know you can help me

    this tank is the main one:
  15. xtremenemo

    Beth I know you can help me

    i have a plastic hydrometer. I just got it yesterday cause i steped on the last on.
  16. xtremenemo

    Beth I know you can help me

    the long tenticle is an anemne long tenticle. The main tank is a 85 gallon, the qt is a 46 gallon and the 10 gallon has nothing in it with no filtration or anything. The qt just has a filter and heater, the main has a protein skimmer, heater , powerhead, and wet/dry filter. Fish: Lunar wrasse...
  17. xtremenemo

    Beth I know you can help me

    The tank i had was a 10 gallon but I just took off the big filter and put in on my 46 gallon hex with a damsel in it and some play sand and rocks. he is about 3-5 inches. If he is not treated and never has any problems will he lose the ick for good or will he always have it?????
  18. xtremenemo

    Beth I know you can help me

    Ok so I have had ick before and so have all my fish and they died. I have not added any fish for over 3 weeks, except the dalemation puffer and he is the one with the only signs of ick. He has had it for 2 and 1/2 weeks and still no signs of weakness. If i could catch him I would and put him in...