Search results

  1. 37g joe

    125 Gal Reef wanted in Orlando area

    Missy if you go with Tchrisp's tank Your going to need a beter lighting system to keep the coral healthy. Im not sure what those 8 corals are but he has less then one watt per gallon in that tank unless he has some other fixture that he is not selling with the tank I am surised that his coral...
  2. 37g joe

    What are your thoughts on the Israel fighting going on?

    Originally Posted by UKCATS Before everyone gets on the Israeli band wagon we should all remember that the UN after WW2 placed Israel there and basically took the land from the Palestinians. How would each of you feel about your neighbor if the government took the land from underneath you that...
  3. 37g joe

    New tank

    I have a 37 gallon with two bio wheels rated for 50 gallon tankes each. If I was to do it all over again I would of not gone with bio wheels. go with a sump/fuge pick your self up a 20 gal tank for your fuge/sump.
  4. 37g joe

    Help me name my sailboat.

    (The Drift Wood) ( The Patrick Henry)
  5. 37g joe

    New DUAL Tank!!

    I say go with some hawkfish they might use the tubes as thier pearches also a lawnmower blenny would probably love the tubes they have so much character I would not be suprised seeing one dashing in and out of those tubes
  6. 37g joe

    who has xbox 360??

    I have a 360 I had BF2 on the original xbox and loved it but decided not to get it for the 360 do have the demo though and yes I know it has much beter graphics but it has tons of bugs.
  7. 37g joe

    Queen Angel In A 240gal?

    if it gets to big you can donate it to a local aquarium you might even get a tax right off.
  8. 37g joe

    mantis shrimp at lfs!!!!

    im glad I posted this topic cause now I know more about them still dont want one but thankes for the info.
  9. 37g joe

    mantis shrimp at lfs!!!!

    So I went to my local mall at the have a pet store that sell SW fish and I went to just check what they had in thier in stock. well as I well looking at the tankes I was suprised to see for sale a mantis shrimp for $24 dollars. Now I have heard of people having them in thier tank because the...
  10. 37g joe

    post pics, pc lighting only tanks

    Originally Posted by Baclieu52 Iwould like to post my 29 gal r and f saltwater pix but I dont know it show up or not? got this should help you
  11. 37g joe

    37 gallon power heads

    you should check out mona lisa's tank she on here and also has a 37 tall hers is awsome
  12. 37g joe

    37 gallon power heads

    not the greatest pic but it gives you the general Idea iof my tank setup I have two bio wheels rated for 50 gal each which keep it pretty clean. all together my tank cycles about 850 gph and hour
  13. 37g joe

    37 gallon power heads

    this is how I have mine and it give a great amount of circulation and current it has a swirl affect but depending on your filter and other equippment placement it might not work. just make sure the one pointing down is not directly hitting some sort of coral when you finally get coral.
  14. 37g joe

    37 gallon power heads

    I have one 1200 and another powerhead that is a power sweep and I am thinking of getting another 1200 so I really dont thgink it would be to much do you have the 37 tall tank?
  15. 37g joe

    post pics, pc lighting only tanks

    my shroom had a baby/split look at the top left of the big shrrom you well; see a little one the problem is momma shroom often blocks light to the little guy.
  16. 37g joe

    Where is your aquarium located in your house?

    mine is in my dining room I love siting down having a cup of coffee and just watching my tank
  17. 37g joe

    Just shake your head

    I am 24 and when I was in junior high and high school I wore baggy pants but wore a belt so they would not fall off this fashion has been around since at least the mid 80's I heard it started when gangsters would get out of jail and would be issued pants which where all extra large so that every...
  18. 37g joe

    2700 gallon aquarium pics

    Every time I see this tank it gets my brain working. I am in the process of joining the U.S coast guard and I am gonna get a $5000 enlistment bonus I just have to decide if I want to put that towards a biger tank (I currently have a 37 G) or an HD TV the thing is an HD tv is alot eaiser to move.
  19. 37g joe

    My second new tank?!?!

    Originally Posted by Drewsta This was on a budget of $800 oops LOL OMG this hobby is expensive!! But I wouldn't have it any other way :joy: tank/stand $250 sump/refuge/skimmer $250 DIY hood $40 light bulbs $55 (sunpaq 65W 2 actinic 2 daylight 10k) Misc wood to reinforce stand $10 Misc tubes and...
  20. 37g joe

    xbox 360

    dont you love my spelling and gramatical error's.