New DUAL Tank!!


Active Member
haha, you'll be waiting a while...i'm trying to decide what type of stand i want...if i want to go with a unique one to more or less fit the tank...or just go with the normal rectangle, or something else


Active Member
The east meets west idea is really cool, but for the carribean you are limited to very few corals, such as gorgonians, zoanthids (polythoas also), and a few type of shrooms (like ricordia). You can still make a really cool tank with those, but you can also find those kinds of corals elsewhere in the world, so the carribean side wouldn't be very unique in the coral sense JMO.
Can't wait to see it finished!


Active Member
yea, i've got to say this will probably be one of the coolest tanks, i was always curious if anyone has ever made a tank like that.


Active Member
come to think of it, an octo would look SUPER sweet in there, squeezing itselft through the tubes.
Did u figure out the capacities of each of the hexes?


Active Member
as mentioned ABOVE,lol...i figured each to be at a tiny bit over 25 gallons...but no else has confirmed yet...but i shall try my best to make this look as good as possible. An octo just seems kind of plain to me is all


Yeah man, the two tanks are a total of 50.167 gallons plus the tubes depending on what size they are.

37g joe

I say go with some hawkfish they might use the tubes as thier pearches also a lawnmower blenny would probably love the tubes they have so much character I would not be suprised seeing one dashing in and out of those tubes


Active Member
ok, I got one for ya. 2 pairs cb seahorses, fire fish, bangis or clown gobies to swim through the tubes, zoos, and rics.


Active Member
I would LOVE seahorses...and really thought about that, and have done research before on another's so hard because with this tank i have to try and make it the best ever,lol...and so i love the seahorse idea, i just want it to be active, which is where other fish like you mentioned come in, but still....haha, i dont know....and i really like the octopus idea as i didn't know how intelligent they were with needing toys, etc....i think that would be amazing to watch..but i'm afraid of it sneaking out and dying....and i know you can try and fix it, but that there may be things that are not taken in account and messed i dont know, a lot of thinking to continue doing, so keep the ideas rolling! thanks a lot teresa for that one! I have a while still because i need a stand for lights, and everything else...i'd kind of like to not need a big lighting system so i can cancel out some of that money there.


To bad you couldnt do it like a in wall tank cause that would be cool


Active Member
Cool Tank!
Kinda reminds me of a smaller version of the tank at rainforest cafe in chicago.
They have a huge walk under tank when you first go in to the restaurant.
Has 2 main tanks on each side and a kind of arch you walk under connecting the 2, really cool!
Congrat's and Good Luck!


Active Member
i think a double reef setup would be coolest, the east vs. west idea was cool, i'd try a pair of clowns on each side too to see if that would work. i wish i had a wierd tank.