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  1. fmelindy

    What exactly IS a pod?

    Daredevil: could it have been a baby snail or nudibranch? Might also have been a flatworm. Hard to tell without a pic.
  2. fmelindy

    is it reef safe?

    I have a coral beauty (only for a chort time yet) and he does not show any sign of being reef un-safe. He never nips at the corals or inverts. He is very animated and cruises the rockwork all day nipping at stuff (pods?algae?). I love him more every day - he's stealing the show from my...
  3. fmelindy

    I dont understand my calcium

    is carbonate hardness the same thing as alkalinity???
  4. fmelindy

    I dont understand my calcium

    sorry, I'm new to measuring kH. I just got a Hagen test kit and it says its in mg/L and it says that 105-125 is the normal range for marine kH (carbonate hardness). Like I said, that's new to me, so I really don;t know that much about it only what the kit is telling me. So the calcium is too...
  5. fmelindy

    I dont understand my calcium

    OK, my reef tank has been setup for about 6 months. I've got a crushed coral bed (I know it's not ideal). I first started adding corals (mostly LPS) around a month ago so figured I'd measure my calcium. Used the SeaTest chemical test and got a value well over 500. I figured that couldn't be...
  6. fmelindy

    top 10 fish for beginners

    thanks for the replies... Anyone else care to contribute?
  7. fmelindy

    Fish Suggestions

    I think most people on the board will at least agree that a 55 gallon tank is too small for any type of shark. It's small now but when it grows up....
  8. fmelindy

    strangers in the night!

    this happens to me regularly as well. In my case, they are very small darty objects. I was assuming they were amphipods because there are a lot of them in my LR. It's the only thing I could see that it could be. They are definitely shrimpy type creatures.
  9. fmelindy

    Yet again another refuge question

    don't say that! it's VITALLY important!!! As you can see by the two of us being so damn interested! But seriously, though - can anyone else shed some light on this for us?
  10. fmelindy

    Yet again another refuge question

    bump. Let's get this guy's question answered! (and mine!) :D
  11. fmelindy

    live rock

    If it's new live rock then it's just a normal thing to have happen to coralline algae while your tank is cycling, from what I understand. Give it a few weeks after your tank has cycled and the purples and reds and other colors start to come back.
  12. fmelindy

    Yet again another refuge question

    Good question. I'm doing the same as you and was wondering the same thing myself. I"ll follow this thread with interest. BTW, which kit did you order off e-bay? Was it anything like this one: Thanks.
  13. fmelindy

    top 10 fish for beginners

    how about specific species, guys?
  14. fmelindy

    top 10 fish for beginners

    I thought it might be helpful for all the beginners on the board if the more experienced among us lent us their opinions on the "top 10" easiest fish for beginnners. The more colorful and interesting the better! And no damsels, please. I'm starting to think that nobody should put damsels in...
  15. fmelindy

    lyretail anthias for a beginner?

    I've had my 55 gallon tank set up and stable now for around 6 months and was looking at investing in some fish. I'm looking really hard at lyretail anthias, say a group of two or three. But it seems like I can remember reading somewhere that they have difficult care requirements or need a...
  16. fmelindy

    too many fish?

    How about lyretail anthias? Would they be OK in a 55 gal tank, say 2 of them? Would that be better than the firefish to go with the maroon clown(s)?
  17. fmelindy

    too many fish?

    I have an established 55 gallon tank which has been set up and stable now for about 6 months (with respect to water parameters). Currently my ammonia and nitrites are 0, nitrates are 10, specific gravity is 1.025, and ph is 8.3. Temp is 80 degrees. My eventual plan is to have 4 green...
  18. fmelindy

    Clownfish will not eat!!

    Or maybe they won;t come around and maybe there's something really wrong with your tank that you just don't know about. I had the same thing happen to two pairs of percs in the last two months. They were listless, wouldn't eat and swam strangely. They eventually all died. The guy at my LFS...
  19. fmelindy


    Just wanted to post my experience with chemiclean for the record. I had a huge cyano problem - worst I've ever seen in any pictures on this message board. It was over everything - all the LR and substrate, even starting to grow up the glass. My LFS suggested chemiclean and I used it as...
  20. fmelindy

    refugium for a 55 gal

    I want to setup a refugium for a 55 gallon, undrilled all glass tank. I need this to be as simple a setup as possible because I'm new at this and apparently all thumbs. I also need it to be idiot-proof (i.e. in case of power outtage during vacation the whole thing doesn't go to hell). Can anyone...