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  1. oak

    Metal Halide

    What Kelvin rating should I get ? I don't like brite white but I don't like the dark blue light either just my preferences.
  2. oak

    Metal Halide

    Does anyone know any good brands ?
  3. oak

    Metal Halide

    I was going to buy a metal halide retrofit but I do not know if there is a diference between a double ended metal halide and a srew in. Also if I can use a 250 watt ballast on a 70 watt bulb. All information will be greatly appreciated.
  4. oak

    Metal Halide

    Does anybody know if there is difference between a double ended metal halide and a srew in metal halide as far as energy use and light color. It is for a 12 gallon nano. Thanks.
  5. oak

    Metal Halide

  6. oak

    2.5g super reef! it'll be huge.

    Looks great.
  7. oak

    Bonebrake's 24 Gal. JBJ Nano Cube!

    Forgot to ask this before but do you still have your stock lighting just wondering ?
  8. oak

    Bonebrake's 24 Gal. JBJ Nano Cube!

    Your lighting makes your tank look incredile and the rock setup too. Awsome tank.
  9. oak

    Eel Question

    I think I'll do that.
  10. oak

    Metal Halide Question

    I wanted to add a 70 Watt Metal Halide but was wonering if a ballast or fan also necessary ?
  11. oak

    29 Biocube--A Work in Process

    Okay, but fist my tank has to arive.
  12. oak

    29 Biocube--A Work in Process

    Thanks I was inspired by seeing the really beatiful reefs and colorfull fish. I was doing freshwater for two years but really wanted to do saltwater. I also think I will do alot of rock moveing. I am doing a 12 gallon reef. I couldn't resist all the corals. Oh sorry I couldn't post this sooner I...
  13. oak

    Metal Halide Question

    Someone ?
  14. oak

    Eel Question

  15. oak

    Saddleback Butterfly in a Nano

    Okay thanks.
  16. oak

    Metal Halide Question

    Does anybody know ?
  17. oak

    Saddleback Butterfly in a Nano

    Okay thanks but how big does it get when it is an adult and how big a tank will it need when it is an adult incase I eventually get a 75 to 100 gallon FOWLR. Thanks
  18. oak

    Saddleback Butterfly in a Nano

    I was wondering if you could keep Saddleback Butterfly in a 12 gallon nano and if they eat anything besides clam how big they get and if it is reef safe also if they are good for beginners and other usefull imformation like agression eating habbits . I will be upgrading to 50+ gallon in...
  19. oak

    29 Biocube--A Work in Process

    Great tank coming along better than I think my will (I am starting salt water too).
  20. oak

    Updated pics of my 20 high mixed

    Nice rock setup but how big is that Clownfish it looks huge for a Percula (I think) and how deep is your sand bed just curious.