Search results

  1. 6stokes

    Red Sea Protien Skimmer w.surface cup?

    I have the exact set up as you, but I don't have any problems. I can't imagine the cup running dry unless you have it positioned too high up the tube. The water level should be just below the top edge of the cup. That should keep it from running dry. As far as finding your happy medium, take...
  2. 6stokes

    Auto-topoff design

    Dave, what is the brand and model of your pressure switch and how did you mount it and protect the electrical connections from the water?
  3. 6stokes

    Temperature activated switch

    That's quite a bit more. No, I'm not sure it's salt water proof yet. Actually, I'm not concerned with it being salt water proof as much as I am about what the temperature probe is made out of. I did find it though on another web site where someone is actually using it in their tank. There's...
  4. 6stokes

    Temperature activated switch

    Okay, if anybody is interested I just found probably the most least expensive way to do this. Instead of the controllers designed specifically for aquarium use, there's an electronic temp. control that can be purchased at Johnstone Supply for less than $60.00. Model #L38-382.:D
  5. 6stokes

    Temperature activated switch

    Wow Dave, I wish my temperature variation was a small as yours. I'm fluctuating between 75 and 78 degrees over a 24 hour period!:scared:
  6. 6stokes

    Temperature activated switch

    Great, any preference as to a brand or dealer? I'm pretty handy, so something that only controls one switch would work. I can wire in a relay if there are voltage differences.
  7. 6stokes

    Temperature activated switch

    I currently have them on a timer, but depending on the time of year I may have to run them 24 hrs a day or only with the lights. Maybe I should have been more clear. I would like something that senses water temperature, not the ambient canopy temperature. That way I don't have to worry about...
  8. 6stokes

    Temperature activated switch

    Does anyone know if some sort of temp activated switch exists? I would like to control my canopy fans this way instead of a timer.
  9. 6stokes

    DSB and Diamond Goby

    Thanks Bang Guy, I respect your opinion. I'll return the Goby to my LFS.
  10. 6stokes

    DSB and Diamond Goby

    I purchased a diamond goby to help with the micro algae problems associated with the cycling processes. My tank is about six months old and doing well. This goby sifts the sand all day. He tunnels under rock a lot too. I was wondering if he does more harm than good by eating too much...
  11. 6stokes

    Live sand bed maintenance

    My bed is 2-3 inches. My tank is about six months old and is just now to the point where when looking at the sand it's clean. Prior, I've been battling different phases of micro algae, so that's why I was sucking it out on a weekly basis. Thanks for the info. I wont disturb the bed anymore.:)
  12. 6stokes

    Live sand bed maintenance

    I've been using one of those gravel vacuums in the sand bed when doing water changes. Is this a bad idea? Does it disturb the microfauna?
  13. 6stokes

    Refugium vs. Fluidized bed

    Thanks, good information. And yes, I am using sand in the FBF.
  14. 6stokes

    Comp question

    All real good advice, however there are a couple of real easy checks that should be the first thing you do. First make sure it's seated in the slot good. Second, go into device properties and ensure it is enabled. Look at properties and you'll be able to see if it's a conflict as pwnag3...
  15. 6stokes

    Connecting Fan to Ballast

    Don't even bother with the 12 volt, besides, it's DC volts and you need AC volts. You have to get the 120 if you want some good flow. A couple of suggestions for you: The ones Radio Shack sells produce the proper CFM (cubic foot per minute) and I can't remember what that is, but the box will...
  16. 6stokes


    Either one will work the same for a fish only tank, but most folks won't use them for reef tanks.
  17. 6stokes

    Refugium vs. Fluidized bed

    So when I got my first tank, I was doing a fish only. That didn't last long. Now I'm about six months in have a complete reef system and am wishing I belonged to this forum for a few months prior to purchasing everything. I did read about three really good books, but they can't give you the...
  18. 6stokes

    Hey Bang

    Thanks Guy, I'll take that to mean no significant difference.
  19. 6stokes

    Hey Bang

    I was reading Big Dogs thread and had a question about Alk vs. dkh. I know that dkh doesn't give you the total alk picture, but is the difference really that significant? What's your or anyone elses opinion on this?
  20. 6stokes

    Plants for a refugium

    It's probably a type of culerpa, but I don't know enough about it. Try a google search.