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  1. 6stokes

    Pickling lime

    Bang, if I add Vinegar after the mixing and siphoning, is it at the same rate? I'm using 60 ml per gallon. Supposed to be the stoichiometric amount for carbonate. This link claims that 120 mil per gallon is the stoichiometric amount for...
  2. 6stokes

    Pickling lime

    Oh, now I understand. Thanks Bang!:D
  3. 6stokes

    Pickling lime

    Doesn't that defeat the purpose of the vinegar? The water that's siphoned off has already reacted with all of the available carbon dioxide. Can there be further reaction? Also, when not using the vinegar there is a lot of settlement because there is usually more kalk than available carbon...
  4. 6stokes

    ID This Micro Please

    You never cease to amaze us Bang Guy!
  5. 6stokes

    Pickling lime

    Thanks a lot. I don't use a kalk reactor, but I also don't really do a drip either. I use the mix as top up water, which amounts to about 1 1/2 to 2 gal a day. I mix the kalk in vinegar and then dilute in RO/DI. After settlement, which isn't much because of the vinegar, I siphon the good...
  6. 6stokes

    Pickling lime

    Okay, out of curiosity I called Mrs. Wages and asked for a chemical composition since it is considered "food grade." Kalkwasser is considered "lab grade." I wanted to know how much different they were. Well I don't have the Kent information yet, but here's a shocker on the Mrs. Wages. 1 PPM...
  7. 6stokes

    Hanna TDS reading

    I agree with you. I would think your city water would be much higher. Maybe you've got the best city water in the country??? And I would also expect your RO/DI unit to produce 000 to 003 being new. The only other thing I can think of is on my TDS meter, if it goes over 999 it will have a X10...
  8. 6stokes

    things in sand?

    I'm sure that both things we are talking about are a possibility. My bubbles start about an inch down and then start to work their way to the top. I guess it would be nice to have some more information on this topic.
  9. 6stokes

    things in sand?

    I agree with Thomas. That's one of the benefits of a DSB.
  10. 6stokes

    Fluidized Bed filters?

    IMO these are exceptional for fish only tanks. Probably the best. Probably not the way you want to go for a reef, but I am using them on mine. I would like to switch to a sump/refug though. There are two drawbacks that I am aware of: The first is that if they are left off for too long a...
  11. 6stokes

    Kalk mixing problems

    Yes, that is possible. I have found a way to make the Kent product clear though. Do a search on using vinegar with the Kalk here on threads. That seems to do the trick and it's supposed to do a lot more beneficial things.
  12. 6stokes

    Convert to overflows and sump

    I have a glass 135 and I originally designed the filtration for fish only. I would like to convert to a sump/refugium. What is a good brand overflow that can pass about 1000 gal/hr? I would like to put two of these on my tank which would give me about 15 turns an hour. The ones I saw at my...
  13. 6stokes

    Kalk mixing problems

    Haze, I have the same problem and have asked the same question. Heck, I let it go days and it never cleared completely. I also use RO/DI. I finally called the manufacturer and they stated that it is normal for the water to remain somewhat cloudy. Just don't use the sediment on the bottom or...
  14. 6stokes

    Salt creep on lights

    Yep, I think you're right, and I think you talked me into it. Thanks.
  15. 6stokes

    Auto-topoff design

    I'm with Dave, and I don't have a sump yet, so his method works best for me. And, I believe it won't cost more than about 40 bucks even if I have to by everthing new.
  16. 6stokes

    Auto-topoff design

    Thanks Dave, I'm going to give this a try, been procrastinating for too long now. Just curious why you're using two switches for controlling. Why not just one? Also, do the electrical connections stay dry without any worry of them getting wet?
  17. 6stokes

    Salt creep on lights

    It's not that much, but I have a couple of fluidized bed filters and a couple of skimmers that dump water, which usually has a few air bubbles associated with them. So, that's what is causing the salt build up.
  18. 6stokes

    Salt creep on lights

    I built my own PC lighting system to fit under my canopy and it hangs about 4" from the waters surface. I don't have a cover above the water (other than protection around the edges so the livestock can't get out). There is also no cover on the bottom edge of the reflectors. My problem is that...
  19. 6stokes

    adjusting tank temp?

    Yep, it's the transfer of heat by convection.
  20. 6stokes

    Red Sea Protien Skimmer w.surface cup?

    No problem, guess I should have also mentioned to make sure your air hose is pluged into the right port. One of them is blocked and serves the same purpose as pinching off the air hose as I explained in the previous post. It should not be pluged into the blocked port.