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  1. srfisher17

    McCosker's Flasher Wrasse

    I've got a trio of these (1M&2F) beautiful fish. Very peaceful, need more room than most fish their size, one of the easiest flasher Wrasse, 2 males will not tolerate each other, don't like any aggression, SERIOUS JUMPERS!.
  2. srfisher17

    Calling ALL fish ID experts

    I'll take a stab at being 'Geek of the Week"----I think its some species of bitterling.
  3. srfisher17

    EEEYOWW!!! I tested a LFS's water yesterday...

    Right, nitrates of 80ppm are harmless to fish; but bad for inverts. In Bob Fenner's book (The Conscience Marine Aquarist); he mentions that nitrate levels in wholesalers, holding facilitys, LFS, etc., are often in the hundreds, even thousands of ppm---with no apparent ill effects on fish. I have...
  4. srfisher17

    Can I just do this too acclimate my fish?

    I think the OP has the acclimation procedure from LA. This is a perfectly acceptable method. But; I really prefer the drip acclimation suggested by It may not be any better, but I've been using it for why change? I've always used a little Ammo-Lock to de-toxify the ammonia...
  5. srfisher17

    Filter Size

    Originally Posted by Jeff10 Wow, I did not know that about the Bio Wheels. Do you double the filter with the added "things" lol they have in the box? Doesn't the filter come with instructions, or was it used? The bio-wheels are what the water spins through just before it returns to the tank...
  6. srfisher17

    Filter Size

    Doesn't the filter come with instructions, or was it used? The bio-wheels are what the water spins through just before it returns to the tank. If you're still lost, check with Emperor tech-support. I'm not picking on you; but SW fishkeeping requires real attention to details. I think reading a...
  7. srfisher17

    Filter Size

    Originally Posted by Blenny Good Choice. But i would not recommend putting in the Bio Wheels that came with it, Eventually it will just be a nitrate factory. Of course, use the bio-wheels. Anything that cultures aerobic bacteria to eliminate ammonia is a nitrate factory---even LR. Bio-wheels...
  8. srfisher17

    Is this ick or something else can anyone tell?

    Glad to hear it! For future use of your Qt-HT; I'd suggest a HOB filter (I really like Aqua-Clear for QTs). Keep an extra filter sponge in your DT system. When you need the QT, put the sponge in the HOB filter and the QT will be instantly cycled. Toss the sponge when done, they're cheap.
  9. srfisher17

    fish wont eat

    Originally Posted by TANG4me Your doing about the best you can. Use a syringe to get the food down in the sand in front of it. I fed mine frozen mysis and brine, but it died after a few months. Their sand sifters. Mine would spit out most of what he tried to eat. They shouldn't be in the hobby...
  10. srfisher17

    Filter Size

    Use it. Within reason, its almost impossible to have too much filter flow.
  11. srfisher17

    puffer with grouper

    IMO, a 70 is too small for an adult grouper and well-fed groupers grow very fast. Cramped quarters=stress=aggression.
  12. srfisher17

    101 reasons why you love this hobby.

    37. My real favorite--Joe off his meds. Joe on his meds ain't bad, either.
  13. srfisher17

    101 reasons why you love this hobby.

    36. Its the only thing "geeky" that I'm good at.
  14. srfisher17

    Crabs in my tank

    When I started using Firefox; it was because a computer geek column explained how much junk is aimed at windows--so IE would pick it up, but Firefox wouldn't. Now, it seems, that Firefox is being targeted a bit more. That really isn't a big deal for me though. My old computer lost IE somehow, so...
  15. srfisher17

    Crabs in my tank

    Just avoid public toilets and you'll never need this stuff. (That line didn't work in my Frat house years ago either; but I did have my own toilet for a month or so. ) BTW, I used Firefox for several years, switched to Google Chrome and love it!
  16. srfisher17

    I think my fish have ick

    I hope this works. Most ich-killers (copper included) kill only them in free-swimming stage. After they feed, they disappear for a while and then re-emerge, in much greater numbers. That's why you need to treat at least 30 days. Here's a great post, by Beth, that really explains this awful...
  17. srfisher17

    Powder blue tang

    Originally Posted by juniors04 Hey hows your Tusk doing? Mine is doing great! Ive had him for 16 months now but hasnt grown very much. Mine are doing great, one is even finger-fed; very tame for a tusk. You're right, they are slow-growers.
  18. srfisher17

    Powder blue tang

    Mine are doing great, one is even finger-fed; very tame for a tusk. You're right, they are slow-growers.
  19. srfisher17

    Experienced Freshwater Hobbyist interested in starting with saltwater!

    Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains Welcome to SWF! I know this wasn't your question, but please do some research. If you buy and setup your tank today, it will take several weeks to couple of months before you should add any fish! Please, read the stickies in the new hobbyist section and...
  20. srfisher17

    ORA Midnight Clown Now available

    Originally Posted by swimmer4uus I personally don't really like it, but I do see the beauty is it's selective breeding. I agree; these are almost as ugly (IMO) as "platinum" clowns. While captive breeding is great; I've never seen any...