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  1. srfisher17

    Blue Hippo Tang

    Originally Posted by aaron101 yea got ya, i also have my water run through uv. Please don't assume UV is a substitute for QT. UV may help a little, but cannot prevent or cure outbreaks of ich, or any other parasite. IMO, their primary benefit is algae control; which is why pondkeepers like them.
  2. srfisher17

    911 Lionfish might be in trouble

    Originally Posted by skate020 yeh cranberrys advice got me where i am today with lions:) granted mine is still on live food, but i know how to convert, i just need the correct equiptment and stuff:) when mine is big enough to take a hole silverside i think i could convert him rather easily...
  3. srfisher17

    Blue Hippo Tang

    Originally Posted by aaron101 But arnt all tang susceptible to ick? never had any problems with my yellow tang. For long term success in SW fishkeeping; everything should be QTd, regardless of how susceptible to ich they are reported to be. Ich is just one of countless problems that can be...
  4. srfisher17

    Help, quick please.

    Originally Posted by Beth You can only hope he will get out. Crabs are destructive to display tanks, predatory, and useless. ......except as a good food for triggers. The inventor of the "CUC" crew, one of the biggest marketing gimmicks in the hobby, probably also sells "Snuggies". Its amazing...
  5. srfisher17

    Help, quick please.

    Be very afraid of anyone who thinks they know why crabs do things.
  6. srfisher17

    AquaC Remora problems

    If you still haven't got it working right, call Aqua-C tech support; they are great. BTW; I think company tech help is a real resource for us and is not used enough. If a company doesn't have good tech help---I don't buy their stuff. Also, I agree with the above posts. Lots of additives can...
  7. srfisher17

    How many people have generators for power outages?

    Got one. I lived in hurricane country before relocating and needed it often. The last time (Katrina) it didn't do much good. Here is an experience I recently had, fish in question are all doing great. A generator is not only vital for my fish; it keeps beer & gin cold during any possible summer...
  8. srfisher17

    qt tank ?

    The following drivel assumes you have been ghost feeding (or using a piece of dead shrimp to keep the bacteria fed & alive.If not, after a week, I really don't know what the bacteria status is; if there is a fair amount of gunk from the DT in the sponge--that should provide food for the...
  9. srfisher17

    what would you do???

    Originally Posted by windgrace03 I have a 150g cycling as I talk. I know I am going to get either a brazil dragon eel, or a white mouth moray, but I wanted a clown trigger but have been reading around about people talking about lions. I love the color or the trigger but like the looks of the...
  10. srfisher17

    How Many Fish can I have of each?

    Originally Posted by Chrisb430 I would add some chromis maybe 5-6 maybe some Ocellaris Clownfish do will in schools. Something like an angel tangs yellow or sailfin. Hawkfish are cool but cant have any shrimp with them. Blennies are fun to watch. Wrasse get the reef safe ones if your going to...
  11. srfisher17

    How Many Fish can I have of each?

    A grown maroon clown, almost always becomes a female. She will not tolerate any other clown fish in her tank and will probably kill any clown introduced after she is established.. There are exceptions, but keeping more than one species of clown is usually trouble. I'd suggest you start with 2...
  12. srfisher17

    unique lionfish tank

    Originally Posted by FMarini Last please remember that lionfish are not really aggressive fish- they are predatory, and are whimps- so harassing fish, like puffers, triggers (crunchers, like ballistoides, etc) will shred these fish. This is vital info and not mentioned nearly often enough. It...
  13. srfisher17

    911 Lionfish might be in trouble

    Originally Posted by splenda21 Yeah his belly was huge. This was the first time he ever went for a crayfish. I just feed him silverslides and he is satisfied. What do you feed your lionfish? IMO & IME; lions really need a varied diet with added vitamins, like Selcon. Depending on the lion's...
  14. srfisher17

    Emperor Angel food

    Nice pics! IMO,raising one of these magnificent fish from juvi to adult is one of the most rewarding experiences in this hobby/addiction (next to successfully removing damsels).
  15. srfisher17

    Flame Angle Question

    Originally Posted by walynut Is it possible to house a Flame Angle, blue hippo tang, and a yellow tang together in a 55 gallon tank w/ 100 lbs live rock? Trying to make up my mind before I buy so thanks for the input. Couple smaller fish are also in the tank; two damsels; wrasse; clown. IMO, a...
  16. srfisher17

    3 Stripe Damsel is harrasing my Chromis, are there traps out there?

    Originally Posted by meowzer OK SRFISHER you are hearing from me.....I tried it...I FAILED I'm telling you...I have 2 freakin MEAN..BUT SMART damsels They may be evolving into a species that is capture-proof.
  17. srfisher17

    3 Stripe Damsel is harrasing my Chromis, are there traps out there?

    Laugh if you want, this really works. This is a copy of a post I've used countless times. Damsel disposal is the most common topic on this forum, I believe. his may have been me, I always suggest this; but most people think its silly...until they try it. Tiny hook (hair hook, used to catch...
  18. srfisher17

    LED Lighting?

    Just for info. I talked to a friend at a big online retailer. He expects huge improvements and much lower prices over the next couple of years on LED fixtures. (Duh! Isn't that true of all new technology?) He also said he was just blown away by the new LED stuff that's just around the corner. If...
  19. srfisher17

    McCosker's flasher wrasse or a pigmy angel?

    Originally Posted by Scopus Tang Either; just a matter of which one you prefer. While you may experience some picking from the pygmy, its not very likely, and they are herbivores so they will help to control some forms of nuscience algaes. The wrasse on the other hand are a carnivore, and they...
  20. srfisher17

    Raccoon Butterfly

    You didn't QT long enough. This shouldn't have anything to do with your problem; but you need to QT with copper for at least 4 weeks to cover the life-cycle of most common parasites (like ich). Are the params in both tanks fairly close? Three hours acclimation (excellent!) would compensate for...