Search results

  1. chrismilano

    Prizm Protien Skimmer, any good ?

    Krusk ... Im trying to do that. I noticed it gets REAL quiet when I tape the hose closed. But Im confused... One end of tube to pump.. other end to stone... where do you put the stone? Inside the chamber or inside the collection cup?
  2. chrismilano

    thoughts on the Red Sea Prizm protein skimmer please

    Loud. Great customer service though and easy enough to use.
  3. chrismilano

    brown-red alge

    No, unfort. they prob wont help. You need to correct the source of your replacement water. Tap water feeds this stuff. RO/DI water should help but even that wont eliminate the stuff. Good news is it should pass in a month or 2 and give way to exciting and more challenging types of algae...
  4. chrismilano

    brown spots on my glass

    If I get a sand sifting star in a cc tank, will he turn the crushed coral?
  5. chrismilano

    brown spots on my glass

    I use tap water too, but I was going to buy the RO/DI unit (new on ---- $170). Now that I hear that doesnt rid the problem, Ill hold off 6 months. Im getting a cleanup kit in a month, maybe that will help.
  6. chrismilano

    Fish for 72g bow???

    Hi. Im looking at the same setup. Havent gotten out of my cycle yet, but in a 72 bow... flame angel (no other pygmies) 4 catalina gobies (is 4 a good number for 70g?) yellow tang. 2 true percs (buying a young pair from ***** $13@) cleanup crew (lucky horseshoe package) maybe a bat, but they get...
  7. chrismilano

    brown spots on my glass

    Sounds like this may be the brown algae diatom bloom that Im going through. From what I hear its normal from about 5 weeks to 3 months and then goes away. I just wipe it off the inside of the glass with a rag and mix up the cc a bit and catch as much as I can with a net or a siphon. Hopefully...
  8. chrismilano


    I think that if you give your tank more that 10 hours of light per day, youre encouraging algae growth. 8-10 hours is good.
  9. chrismilano

    How to arrange LR ...

    Most important is to make sure that nothing is going to topple over (or be toppled over). Broken glass is probably the worst thing that can happen! Heavier stuff and 'clumsier' stuff should be on the bottom.
  10. chrismilano

    Prizm Protien Skimmer, any good ?

    One thing about the prizm is they have the BEST SUPPORT IVE EVER SEEN! I called to get the new impeller and they shipped it out. When that didnt quiet the prizm down, they sent me AN ENTIRE MOTOR ASSEMBLY FOR FREE!! They didnt even ask for the old one back. Cant go wrong with that!
  11. chrismilano

    Should I Spent this $$$?

    Ive got a 5 week old 75 gallon tank with cc, 5 damsels, and 10lbs of live rock. I started it with a fluval 304 (rated max 70 gallons). Yes, I should have gone with the 404. Question is would I benefit from running and second 304 along side the current one, or should I just cash in and exchange...
  12. chrismilano

    Stumped, need help with my new 75 gallon

    I have a fluval 304 on my 72 gallon (new on ----, $70.) I WISH I could go back and get a 404 instead.
  13. chrismilano


    choc chips are carnivores, not detrivores. They will eat other starfish (fishes).
  14. chrismilano

    Blue/Linka Starfish and questions

    RIP Slinky the Blue Linky Never add a blue star at the 2 month mark. Doh! He lasted 3 days. He was even active for 2 of them, but when his stomach comes out of his mouth, its time to re-assest your patience-in-fish-buying skills
  15. chrismilano

    sandsifter starfish

    Choc chips stars have been known to eat at least blue linkias
  16. chrismilano

    brown algae in new tank?

    Well, dont keep us hanging! What is it? I got "the bloom" 3 weeks in but it vacuumed off my cc ok.
  17. chrismilano

    how do you add crabs and starfish

    I had no probs with a 12 hour acclimation of a blue star and today I added 2 brittles stars in 2 hours. Im sure there's a safe way to do things, but I decided to go for it after 12 hours. He seems happy. He even went for a walk across my 70 gallon tank within 15 minutes. No offense Tang, I...
  18. chrismilano

    About Horseshoe crabs

    Does a sand sifting star do any good in a cc tank? Would he even live?
  19. chrismilano

    Blue Starfish Diet?

    Thanks Deuce- Great name, im jealous! I bought 2 serpent stars today since i loved the blue so much! I sat there and just watched him for an hour! He even budged!!
  20. chrismilano

    Blue Starfish Diet?

    Please tell me more about the calcium deposits... Why do I need to add calcium, how much in a 75 gallon tank for 1 blue star?