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  1. reefer44

    mh user's

    well with 6500k you will get the best growth..for 10k you will get good growth and ok color...20k you will get ok growth but really good color......I suggest 250w instead of 400w (double ended HQI) or the double ended 400w (not sure if they make this though)...............the best is 10k XM's...
  2. reefer44

    My day just keeps getting bugs SOB

    that really sucks...i had like 2 bugs on my tort when i got it..but i jsut squashed them lol...and i have seen any more lol....i still might treat my tank though once i get all my corals in
  3. reefer44

    cleaner shrimp babies

    yea i thought it would be just unfertilized...but they do have that green color..................can the pepperment get it pregnant????????? also it seems that if they are not fertalized she wouldn't be caring for them...(she rubs them or something) Brad
  4. reefer44

    cleaner shrimp babies

    just checked some pics of a pregnant one and it looks like it is having babies for sure......that means even more food for the fish!! lol
  5. reefer44

    cleaner shrimp babies

    well i have had this cleaner for about 2 months and now it is pregnant i think..........................but it wasn't before....... i have 3 pepperment and one cleaner shrimp how could it of gotten pregnant?
  6. reefer44

    220w enough?

    what type of clam do you know? a spagmosa (sp.) will be fine...but your pushing it with a maxima or crocea
  7. reefer44

    Do metal halides=grow lights??

    its not the light fixture itself that emits the wave lengths it is the bulb as zanemosely said....if you can use aquarium bulbs in the grow lights then i guess it should be fine....
  8. reefer44

    Do clams loose color?

    sounds like the clam is on the way to perfect recovery...glad to hear your tank is doing good
  9. reefer44

    what would i need to get metal halide lighting started?

    cause the dif. in price is so little...go with 250w but you can do acro's with 175w on a 18" tank and get great color....
  10. reefer44

    New T. gigas and teardrop maxima clams...

    hey nice pics....they look a lot better in person though :D just wanted to know how the acro that was stning is doing....unfortunely it did the same in my tank....but the tort and the other frags doing great..full polyp extension..and the tort is coloring up even more under my 175w compared to...
  11. reefer44

    Eye it Buy it, LOBO

    lps...and it seems to be a lobed brain
  12. reefer44

    No more controversy, skimmers rock !

    yea i don't water change but i skim like made...just 5ml of a few trace elements every 2 weeks and it works great
  13. reefer44

    Plant Fertilizer in the reef tank

    that would trigger a huge algae bloom....and fertilizer is one of the things killing natural i would say it isn't safe
  14. reefer44

    46 bowfront reef.

    great evolution...and good picture sequencing Brad
  15. reefer44

    46 bowfront reef.

    lookin' good
  16. reefer44

    Chandler's Tank: Before and After

    looks alot better.....but i would get rid of the dead corals
  17. reefer44

    To much flow?

    no wavemaker...they are on timers...and they aren't time to great..sometimes big flow and sometimes litlle....(there is a bigger flow during the day and slower at night) and it is a little jerky but the best i could do for my price
  18. reefer44

    To much flow?

    I have 3 maxi jets that are 295gph....they are on timers and are very random in flowing and have the cut off end modification... 295gph protien skimmer and about 150 gph from main tank to fuge and back up I am building a huge custom skimmer that is going to be around 756 gph......i am going to...
  19. reefer44

    Suggestions for an easy colorful coral?

    be careful what pics you copy...i believe that pic is under copy right (i know the sight that it was optained from)
  20. reefer44

    check this out if you run MJ powerheads on a wave maker

    hey i just tried that with those glassin plug in timers and maxijets 1200 on my 55g....I have one power head on one timer...the other two on the other........I have it so the two powerheads are always one during the day while the other one switches flow every 15 night i have it...