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  1. saltn00b

    My butterfly...sigh

    could be cleaning in genereal, or could be cleaning ich. look for the signs.
  2. saltn00b

    frustrated on ETSS reef devil deluxe

    i have the EV 180. works nicely on my 150 reef. i set up an arizona iced T jug as a skimmate collector. i clean the neck and cup once a week.
  3. saltn00b

    white starfish creatures

    wow interesting.
  4. saltn00b

    cyano trying to take over the fuge

    still cyano at the surface, any other suggestions?
  5. saltn00b

    College Football!!!!

    FSU ! GO NOLES!!! but too bad they are not the force that they were when i went there... oh and Johnbob that is the best avatar i have ever seen!
  6. saltn00b

    white starfish creatures

    while I agree it sounds like asterinas, i never heard of them eating zoanthids... anyone else heard of this?
  7. saltn00b

    Is This A Polyp?

    interesting whatever it is. keep posting pics as it grows or splits. almost looks like a small mushroom.
  8. saltn00b

    own a piece of the legend!

    bump still for sale.
  9. saltn00b

    Candy Cane Issues

    damn. try breaking off all of the healthy ones and putting them elsewhere. maybe even remove the not healthy ones and put them in a QT
  10. saltn00b

    nature's ocean marine sand

    anyone used this stuff? on the bag it says nothing about being aragonite. i want to purchase a few LBs for a substrate in QT tank. Nature's Ocean Marine White Sand Premium Marine Substrate 0.1-0.5mm - 10 lbs. - Marine White Sand 100% natural marine aquarium substrates straight from the ocean...
  11. saltn00b

    When to put sand in tank.........

    one trick to cut down on cloudiness is to cut an X across the TOP of the LS bag. then gently place the whole bag at the bottom of the tank, now gently roll the bag over and lift the plastic off and up.
  12. saltn00b

    Candy Cane Issues

    yea , my qts are not set for corals either so i would be in the same boat... i didnt know that bacteria feeds of PO4, thats very interesting. all the more reason to get a kit to check it. do search for tropic marin, they have excellent, fast and affordable kits. i just reupped all of my tests...
  13. saltn00b

    own a piece of the legend!

    bump to trrade this weekend?
  14. saltn00b

    Candy Cane Issues

    im leaning away from PO4 being the problem, and much more towards the bacterial situation. if you have leathers that look fine, or SPS, then i wouldnt worry about that for now.
  15. saltn00b

    What??? They're closed??

    parent company shut them down to concentrate on exhausts for high end cars lilke aston martin.
  16. saltn00b

    Candy Cane Issues

    candy cane breaks pretty easily, try pliers? hopefully some other people can chime in on the diagnosis. if you see for example one split head next to a dead one that it starting to look crummy, i would cut that one out too.
  17. saltn00b

    What??? They're closed??

    Originally Posted by One/Eighth ***** (My Area) i was at ***** last night, replacing my 29g QT that started to leak. they had a $/g sale on some tanks, you cant beat a new aqueos (aga) 29g tanks for 29 bucks. oh and get this.... 5g bucket of instant ocean for 19.99 !!!!! hey anybody remember...
  18. saltn00b

    Candy Cane Issues

    Originally Posted by paintballer768 Nip the skeletal heads if possible. Might be bacterial? agreed. maybe they got an infection when in the sand... LPS, could be something like brown jelly disease
  19. saltn00b

    The Aquarium is falling apart!!

    Originally Posted by EL GUAPO San Dusky high school football RULES ! this sentance alone makes this thread all worth while!
  20. saltn00b

    bush poem

    tu che! any other poets?