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  1. saltn00b


    i have reverse eagle eyes on a frag ready to go
  2. saltn00b


    fighting chance? japanese spider crab
  3. saltn00b


  4. saltn00b

    Any other vista users?!

    windows 7 is not mojave, mojave is basically outing people who are vista haters for no other reason but because they think they should be, and everyone else seems to be. so you put some people in a room that have never actually played with vista, and cover up the places where it says "vista"...
  5. saltn00b

    hey quick question!! need to know now.

    whats all this ALL wrasses are not reef safe talk? there are a lot of reef-safe wrasses such as fairies, flashers and some other like yellow coris. these fish will pretty never touch your inverts unless they are smaller than a thumbnail and in the water column. of course, wrasse is the...
  6. saltn00b

    My Blue Angelfish

    is that not a queen ?
  7. saltn00b

    im going crazy please help

    check your PO4
  8. saltn00b

    Any other vista users?!

    vista is a decent OS if you have a nice system with some serious resources. anything less, and it will really slow everything down. the problem is that they made too many changes , too fast. Microsoft learned this lesson the hard way, and so the next windows OS will only be slightly...
  9. saltn00b

    44G Pentagon Reef

    hey, somethings i noticed for your consideration. -that favia seems to be an Acan Lord colony, not favia. -your mandarin is a green mandarin, not a psychadellic -you most likely do not have anywhere close to the amount of LR to sustain your mandarin and it will starve to death in a matter of...
  10. saltn00b

    My 72 NOOB Tank :)

    lymph will go away if the fish is not stressed, but naso tangs are large ocean going fish. they require at least 6' of swimming room. I would not even put one in my 150, unless it was a FO tank. Even then, it would outgrow it eventually. you should look into removing that fish before it...
  11. saltn00b

    salt vs salt

    i just saw a recent comparison of salts that i wish i had a link to share, but the moral of the story is that red sea reef pro and tropic marin were neck and neck with the closest chemistry to natural seawater, with slightly more alkalinity , and calcium, which is what you want with a reef. if...
  12. saltn00b

    Harlequin Tusk in reef

    you will likely lose small reef fish and inverts if i am not mistaken.
  13. saltn00b


    it seems that you may already have one leg up on the situation. if you are only mentally hooked on it, and not physically, its going to facilitate the process. Just imagine how much harder it could have been if you were physically handcuffed to that garbage. i am not saying mental addiction...
  14. saltn00b

    My Devils Hand Turned GREEN?

    so it is entirely possible that the coral's natural color is a shade of green, and with proper lighting it simply colored up.
  15. saltn00b


    wow that is impressive that you came on here to spill the beans to a bunch of faceless strangers about your problems. but at the same time, not knowing us can make it a little easier. people are going to give you advice but you are going to have to take it upon yourself to actually follow it...
  16. saltn00b

    My Devils Hand Turned GREEN?

    does it look un healthy? or just a color change? if your MH was a year old, then it was already 6 months older than it should have been, and the wavelengths were probably off at that point. i have seen a bunch of green devils hands, and never a brown one. maybe some fleshy pinks, but not brown...
  17. saltn00b

    own a piece of the legend!

    pm me your zip
  18. saltn00b

    own a piece of the legend!

    ouch, if you want to come by wed or thursday night i will be available. or this weekend, but looks like we are in for some troublesome weather.
  19. saltn00b

    Is This A Polyp?

    is there any encrusting flesh at the base? i saw today a very wild type of montipora that , although orange had large polyps / circles like that .
  20. saltn00b

    My butterfly...sigh

    well the shrimp would do that to other fish if he could, the other fish just dont want it. some fish like being cleaned. diet is usually one of the last things to go if a fish is not happy. granted , they are not gonna eat if they stressed out like being caught and held in a 5g bucket or...