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  1. saltn00b

    tiny mantis shrimp in coral. what to do?

    on a side note, what do your other corals look like? happy? what are your phosphates at? at the beginning of a phosphate problem i had a long time ago, the bubble coral was the first to wither up because of it.
  2. saltn00b

    tiny mantis shrimp in coral. what to do?

    Originally Posted by rushprop In post 1 she said it was hiding in the hole next to where her s*xy shrimp was standing. i thought she was just REALLY bad at circling shrimp in MSPAINT
  3. saltn00b

    tiny mantis shrimp in coral. what to do?

    oh i re-read , nevermind
  4. saltn00b

    tiny mantis shrimp in coral. what to do?

    if it is what i said it was in #10, then it is should be a peaceful shrimp with no problems.
  5. saltn00b

    tiny mantis shrimp in coral. what to do?

    looks like a s e x y shrimp from the pic.
  6. saltn00b

    Whats growing on my liverock?

    i have those white sponges pretty much all over, especially in darker areas. they are beneficial filter feeders from what i know.
  7. saltn00b

    Do I have too much live rock? - Pic attached

    rock looks fine IMO.
  8. saltn00b

    BTA lost bubbles

    BTA's often lose their bubbles in captivity. this makes no difference in their health, they still will grow and be happy, provided your tank is right for anenomes. tvwong, bubbles dont form when the anenome is stressed, they are like that in the wild, i have seen them with my own eyes and can...
  9. saltn00b

    What do you use to mount sps frags?

    Originally Posted by MaTT B I use CorAffix cyanoacrylate adhesive. You can also use epoxy. wow is that the new blue-green algae adhesive on the market? Originally Posted by spanko Oh yeah and when you mount SPS branches make sure you lay them down not standing up. This exposes more of the...
  10. saltn00b

    Special Thanks To

    phtby, your check is in the mail. - SWF admin.
  11. saltn00b

    Funny name/occupation combo

    i had a buddy growing up, his last name was Weinglas. we affectionately called him "Beer Mug"
  12. saltn00b

    Questions about dipping corals

    i have not heard about any corals reacting poorly to an iodine dip. if you are trying to rid your tank of ick, it is good you are doing hypo, but remember to run your DT fishless for 6 weeks before re-introducing your fish. it should time out to be about the length of the hypo process.
  13. saltn00b

    Why do we do this at stoplights?

    hey guys i ride and i occasionally lane split, illegally. right now it is only legal in california. reasons why it is legal, in no particular order: 1) 2 motorcycles can ride side by side in the same lane without being harassed by police. 2) motorcycles are considered low-impact vehicles...
  14. saltn00b

    Whats this???

    larger peppermints have a better chance of eating them. get 2-3 to increase your odds, and make sure you drip acclimate for 3 hours or so , to keep their health optimal. i did this, and they destroyed all of my aip. give them a little time too. sometimes when you start trying to squirt the...
  15. saltn00b

    ID? looks to be a mix frog/hammer.

    octo frog.
  16. saltn00b

    schooling bannerfish

    heniochus are not guaranteed reef-safe. these fish survive on worms as their primary source of food, so you may find any mini feather dusters, nice big hawaiian feather dusters, coco worms, and other worms eaten. they may or may not pick on your corals. there is probably about a 50% chance...
  17. saltn00b

    Questions about dipping corals

    the stage in the ich parasite's life where it would have burrowed into the LR or skeletal calcium on a coral (rare case) , is not a stage where the parasite would be suceptible to low salinity levels. FW dips are not really the recommended method for dipping coral colonies as it can be shocking...
  18. saltn00b

    New Frag has a lot of hitch hikers! Someone please give me a quick ID

    Originally Posted by Siline That red worm (Red planaria) NOT ONLY would harm/kill your zoo's also any small creature that you may have in your tank, and even your hand... SO... DONT TOUCH IT WITH YOUR BARE HANDS or you will feel the consecuence!!! the single large orange red worm pictured here...
  19. saltn00b

    My Lunatic Wrasse Toying with Death VIDEO

    pd, just a question - did you cut off all of your pumps when you made that video? the water seems like it is not flowing at all. the wrasse has a strong a immune system and a thick slime coat so it probably is not really effected by a quick graze from an rbta.