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  1. reefer44

    Is distilled water same as RO/DI water

    i get distilled from the store near me is it just as good or should i buy one of those units?
  2. reefer44

    NM Reef-a question

    alright thanks for the clarification
  3. reefer44

    pic-coral dead or alive?

    how do i know if it melts?
  4. reefer44

    pic-coral dead or alive?

    here is my colt coral that came in the mail the pic is blurry but you can tell it is droopy and has no polyp extension is it still alive or should i take it out? Dang can't put up picture....put the coral si purple about 2 inches and is dropping compeletly and has no polyp extention and can't...
  5. reefer44

    colt coral-still hanging in?

    here is my colt coral that came in the mail the pic is blurry but you can tell it is droopy and has no polyp extension is it still alive or should i take it out? Dang can't put up picture....put the coral si purple about 2 inches and is dropping compeletly and has no polyp extention and can't...
  6. reefer44

    coral-is it dead

    here is my colt coral that came in the mail the pic is blurry but you can tell it is droopy and has no polyp extension is it still alive or should i take it out? Dang can't put up picture....put the coral si purple about 2 inches and is dropping compeletly and has no polyp extention and can't...
  7. reefer44

    pic of colt-dead or alive?

    here is my colt coral that came in the mail the pic is blurry but you can tell it is droopy and has no polyp extension is it still alive or should i take it out? Dang can't put up picture....put the coral si purple about 2 inches and is dropping compeletly and has no polyp extention and can't...
  8. reefer44

    NM Reef-a question

    i figured out the second question shouldn't of asked before i looked sorry
  9. reefer44

    NM Reef-a question

    whats BB-BS by the way
  10. reefer44

    NM Reef-a question

    I would of posted on your other thread put i am going to read the rest while i wait for you to reply I like your approach and was wondering if you could spare some time to go into a little detail about the nessesity of performing water changes every week....if you already did that in your post...
  11. reefer44

    from a newbie! . 1 month into hobby! a jumper!

    yea i have had fish jump out it stinks cause u don't even have a chance to make it happy lol! i would suggest a goby or clownfish for your first tank they usually live and don't discourage you from staying in the hobbpy!
  12. reefer44

    new corals-just a few q's

    someones gotta know!
  13. reefer44

    recieved a new coral-colt coral

    someone's gotta know!! also my star polyps haven't opened and they don't smell or look dead so why aren't they open :confused: ?
  14. reefer44

    My 55g

    hey i noticed you have a gogous (spelling) colt coral i just recieved one today but it is all dropping and looking sad just wondering what your view was and i jsut reread (i am a little slow sometimes)your statement about how much work it is and i am 15 and i know what you mean the ppl that see...
  15. reefer44

    new corals-just a few q's

    Just recieved 3 new corals a colony polyp a star polyp (which aren't really zooanthea's "polyp corals" their soft corals) and a colt coral Everything looks really good exept the colt coral is a little sad I just bumped it around a little and it was out of the water for almost 2 minutes and it is...
  16. reefer44

    My 55g

    still confused kids that see your tank????? i am jsut wondering cause it was really random in the middle of your thread lol
  17. reefer44

    My 55g

    what do you mean other kids don't show respect to how hard it is................:confused:
  18. reefer44

    recieved a new coral-colt coral

    Just recieved 3 new corals a colony polyp a star polyp (which aren't really zooanthea's "polyp corals" their soft corals) and a colt coral Everything looks really good exept the colt coral is a little sad I just bumped it around a little and it was out of the water for almost 2 minutes and it is...
  19. reefer44


    I don't think that more light thing is true because i have 2 mh on my 55 gallon but have the same amount of growthas ther in my fuge (which are both growing corallin out of control lol)
  20. reefer44

    Maxima Clam

    imo you should wait till your next tank to try sps corals and clams