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  1. reefer44

    Crab ID Please

    I think it is ether a porcelain crab or a red emerald crab
  2. reefer44

    FREE BEER!!! (Question about beginner SPS corals as well)

    well i am only 16 so i ummmm can't drink beer legally :rolleyes: but i LOVE sps corals and currently have a 55 gallon sps tank.....i suggest getting the montipora first because they are easier than acropora to take care off and ur set up sounds good but maybe wait a month or two also do u have...
  3. reefer44

    Doing good?

    waterfaller1-I think i had a parisitic snail that was killing them they are round sort of @ looking things (I believe they are the kind that kill clams soon and i think the sixline wrasses eat them) and yes the salt was down to 1.22 on thursday and i slowly raised it to 1.25 and my temp was 8.3...
  4. reefer44

    Doing good?

    I started my 55 gallon reef tank with about 90 pounds of live rock and 120 pounds live sand about 4 months ago and it is my 3rd tank......I haven't added anthing to the main tank exept several snails (Astraea and Turbo) and 2 large serpent stars and 3 pepperment shrimp and a sand sifting star...
  5. reefer44

    Brown layer on sand?

    its is probaly just diatoms...but imo there should be no area of the tak with out water flow....jus a suggestion......about a clean up cew i would probaly get 50 turbo snails and about 35 scarlet hermit crabs (don't get dwarf they may be cheaper but always ALWAYS! fight and they seem to die faster)
  6. reefer44

    Undergravel filters...please advise

    I think having a dsb made up of mostly live sand and a little crushed coral is the best.....but i also think it can be a detris trap if u don't have digging fish or inverts...for example i have a sand sifting star in my 55 gallon that moves all the detris to the top were the scavengers can get...
  7. reefer44

    Is this a Stomatella snail

    6-line wrasse eat these (not positive but pretty sure)
  8. reefer44

    Feeding Blue-Green Chromis

    why not get 4? i heard they can school in small groups
  9. reefer44

    Feeding Blue-Green Chromis

    I am going to get 4 and i was wondering what they eat...flakes frozen, brine shrimp amphipods (i have all of these foods just wondering which is the best) also the reason i ask is because i haev heard they can be picky eaters thanks for ur advice
  10. reefer44

    Coraline colors

    yup it has everything to do with light intensity......Purple coraline generally grows in shallower water so if u have strong to intense light u should have purple coraline...and the deeper it goes the coraline is more red.....I have two MH in my main tank and i have purple coraline in it and in...
  11. reefer44

    the MOST colorful corals that do well together

    I jsut wanted to say if u want color go with sps...i would post a pic of my tank but i don't have a camera........also i have 2 175w MH (10000k) pendants and 2 actinic blue (15w) over a 55 gallon tank and they grow like crazy! :D
  12. reefer44

    Totally Lost...

    i also have the emperor 400 and it does convert nitrites into nitrates which can be a problem (can make excess nitrates) which can kill fish......therefore i have a refugium with macro algaes to reduce ntrates...but if u do not want to add a refugium i would add some macro algaes to the man tank...
  13. reefer44

    Cleaning Crew Mortality

    The blue leg hermits are propably eating the snails and stealing the shells....also mine seem to kill the scarlets sometimes and steal there shells...also they could be starving to death but that doesn't seem like to big of a clean up crew
  14. reefer44

    Husband want lobster for 75gl

    I am jsut wondering why not just get a purple lobster and not waste the money to buy chillers.....................also do u have any live rock? cause the cold temps could kill it (the stuff on it)
  15. reefer44

    More cycle questions?

    I usually leave the skimmer and filter on and it cycles in about a month...but personally i what to add a clean up crew tll about 4 weeks....then i add fish after about 2 months...then once my coraline algae is thriving i add corals....this is just what i do incase u need some suggestions..... :)
  16. reefer44

    What is this critter???

    I have a 6 inch bristle in me refugium and i dind't see him when i was putting some macro algae in there...and it hurt!!!!!!!!!!They push there spines into u like a porcipine and they're impossible to get out of ur hand!
  17. reefer44

    New Tank Owner

    Well first of all i completely agree with Birdy about changing to a reef after u have set up a FOWLR tank...i never thought of that but it is a great idea Also I think u can get a Naso Tang....I just wouldn't get it as ur first fish...i went with the green chromis at first and they sort of...
  18. reefer44

    coral id please?

    I am almost positive that it is ether a Cualastrea sp. or Favia sp pic of cualastrea pacificreef/coral.html pic of favia (in a dif. language but good pic lol)
  19. reefer44

    New Tank Owner

    FOWLR are generally easier to keep than reefs...and IMO they are a lot prettier than FO systems I started with a reef though and am very happy i did i find it a lot more interesting.....i wouldn't get a tang in my first tank i would go with soft corals and easier fish like green chromis and...
  20. reefer44

    flame angle info

    The flame angel needs an established reef (I think an established reef is like 5 months old) and a lot of live rock.....also i think they are pretty finicky eaters so be prepared to feed it dif. types of food (they are omnivourous and eat algea, benthic inverts such as amphipods, and frozen and...