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  1. reefer44


    I have 5 sps corals in my tank all have been in there since sunday but two of the acroporas haven't opened there polyps today! the other days they were fine but they wont open up even theough they are under good light and almost perfect perimeters. The only thing different is on of the clown...
  2. reefer44

    can't figure out?

    I have 5 sps corals in my tank all have been in there since sunday but two of the acroporas haven't opened there polyps today! the other days they were fine but they wont open up even theough they are under good light and almost perfect perimeters. The only thing different is on of the clown...
  3. reefer44

    sps coloring? will it change?

  4. reefer44

    Maxima Clam

    how much experience do you have with reef systems because both of these are hard to take care of
  5. reefer44

    sps coloring? will it change?

    i just recieved 5 sps corals and they were adveritized as blue and pink and yellow but they are all brown i have them under 2 metal halides will they change to those colors in a day or so?
  6. reefer44

    new sps-oppinion

    lol 'as'
  7. reefer44

    new sps-oppinion

    thanks for answering all my questions i have a much better understanding now but i have jsut one more they are all borwn right now but were avritised ass blue pink and other colors will they change to this colors in a day or so?
  8. reefer44

    new sps-oppinion

    I just resieved a shipment (from another site:nope: ) of 5 sps corals and samall maxima clam Each coral is about 2 inches (on Procipoora, 3 Acropora, and a brids nest) My water levels are fine and i have 2 metal halides so i think they should be fine (always nervous) I acllimated them for about...
  9. reefer44

    Fuge or Wet/Dry??

    go with a fuge they are a great help and fun to have!
  10. reefer44

    Pics of my first tank :)

    (sorry for the spelling mistakes) lol :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  11. reefer44

    Pics of my first tank :)

    No offense because i am by no means an expert but i would just monitor the bubble tip because they tend to like more ligh (my lfs had a anemone under strip light for some time) but even if they do fine the lesser light will make them live a shorter lif. IF you just think about how much light...
  12. reefer44

    Algae growth?

    its diatoms if your tank is only about a month old they should go away once tank is totally stable. But if your tank is about 4 months old you probally have phosphate problems. If it is that old do you use tap water?
  13. reefer44


    I ran out of money (work at Domino's pizza just 15 years old)so i can't buy any new foods but i have a lot of organic shrimp and flounder to feed them on i hope that will be fine
  14. reefer44


    it looks even better then when i got it now wow i have never had that happen before i fed it some shrimp maybe that helped
  15. reefer44

    Anyone know what this is?

    aitasia anemones or however you spell it
  16. reefer44


    I just purchased a sabae anenome the other day, and it was fine and all my perimeters are good and its under 2 metal halides and has a sabea clown to live in it and its tenecales are turning green and are smaller but some off them look white and puffy like normal, if you know what is going on...
  17. reefer44

    No Phospate so why so much hair algea?

    Don't worry that is a really small clean up crew for a 75 gallon so they should have stuff to eat....if u still think it looks to clean and they seem skinner u can get spirula flakes and put a few in there for them to eat
  18. reefer44

    sand or cc

    I would not use cc alone, but i prefer using mostly live sand (about 3/4) and then mixing it with a really fine crushed coral which helps add calcium slowly to the tank and is apealing and more relistic looking than just sand....alos if u end up putting cc in ur tank make sure to wash it before...
  19. reefer44


    I have never heard of a MUD filter, but what filter combination i find works great is a Bak Pak Protien skimmer with a marineland emperor bio-wheel filter with the filter pads replaced with nitrate removers, phosphate removers, and carbon.
  20. reefer44

    Fish List Help?

    one of the big mistakes i made was adding fish to fast, add one at a time and see if you think you should add more