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  1. reefer44

    just a thought

    I am getting a driving lisence soon and i had to make a choice....tank or car I CHOSE A 55 GALLON TANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
  2. reefer44

    I hate stupid ignorant ASSININE people (Electric company)

    My dads a lawyer so i know a little bit about law and i asked him what would happen if this ever happened to me(asked him when i got the tank cause our electricity gets turned off sometimes even though we pay our bills) and he said i would have a case if we had paid our bills and there was no...
  3. reefer44

    I am very new, and have a few questions help appreciated

    you said: 2 power heads, one 2-3" bellow surface and one at about 2-3" from bottom of tank. Both pointing to center of tank. Under Gravel Filter System being used "light bed near rocks" U shouldn't really point powerheads in the middle cause it could injure fish and corals....try bouncing it off...
  4. reefer44

    Need help with fudge

    u can get a hang on overflow box for about 60 bucks and not have to drill :)
  5. reefer44

    What is mantis?

    they are a shrimp that usually comes in (unwanted) live can eat ur shrimps, snail, hermits, fish jsut about everything
  6. reefer44

    Can I use this sand?

    i wouldn't recomend it but if it is thouroghly cleaned it should be fine
  7. reefer44

    Out Of Royal Grammas

    u know i was lead to believe this message board was to help fellow hobbiest...he wanted a quality royal gramma (which u can get here they jsut don't have in stock) and i told him where to get one..........does insulting me and telling me to grow up make u feel better...also i am 15 so i have...
  8. reefer44

    Water Test Results

    I use tap water and am in some areas it can be as good as it seems
  9. reefer44

    Out Of Royal Grammas

    there are websites that are just as good as out there that have them in stock (the better than is IMO)....for example ***********.com has great quality fish and is always fully stocked (IMO has great looking fish but not much of a selection and i find ***********.com...
  10. reefer44

    Electrical Short

    Originally posted by Buzz I doubt it. It was probably the electric current in the water that killed them. Did you remove whatever was shorting? Do you have a grounding probe? personlly i never really thought fish can get electricuted?????? LIGHTNING HITS THE WATER AND THERE FINE! i also...
  11. reefer44

    climbing invertebrates

    in my first reef i didn't have much water flow and it was only heating up on the top of the see if that is why(they could jsut be trying to find the heat) a good temp is anywhere between 77-83 IMO.....also it could be just a fluke cause mine somtimes are all at the top jsut...
  12. reefer44


    if u are only going to have fish the cost is going to be about $30-$50 per gallon(the bigger the aquarium the more money). And i would get live rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT IMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!also aquariums with out it look pretty ugly in my oppinion. i...
  13. reefer44

    Finally!! But one question

    yea they will help clean the rocks but not the glass
  14. reefer44

    too much?

    I may be wrong but i beleave puffers eat snails.....also u should aim power heads on glass........i would put them in both tanks cause they need a lot of space (grouper in man tank, puffer in QT).............i am not that knowlegable about agressive set ups so this may be a little wrong...but it...
  15. reefer44

    Is this a normal reaction?

    They tend to perch on places for a few hours...maybe u should move him to a QT tank and watch hiim closer to see if he is eating...also IMO clown goby's should be kept with SPS corals because they like to perch in them and they feel safer and are much more active good luck
  16. reefer44

    Finally!! But one question

    The diatoms (brown algea) is quite common in a cycling tank or a jsut cycled tank...also have diatoms on my 55 gallon i satarted about a month ago...if the glass is getting dirty really fast I suggest more snails (astaea sanlis would work great). I would add about 5-15 and if glass is still not...
  17. reefer44

    Sps Lighting

    I thought so.....i am saving up for another pendant but thats going to take awhile i am only 15.....but i should be able to scrape up 300 dollars by the time my coraline starts growing well (which i think is the time to add corals, worked well on last tank) i only started my tank about a month...
  18. reefer44

    Sps Lighting

    Is one 175 watt MH pendent (just has one 175w bulb and is in the middle of the tank about 1'6" above water) and two actinic blue flouresense 15w each (mounted on the wall behind the tank)on a 55 gallon enough for SPS corals to live(acropora and monitpora mainly)?
  19. reefer44

    Aptasia or Feather Duster??

    i would say its a feather duster.....atapaisia usually come out of the rock earlier (from expierence i no this) but if more appear i would say its not a feather duster its an atapaisia...sorry for the spelling in a hurry lol
  20. reefer44

    Filtration System for 55 gls mini reef

    I suggest not getting a PRISM SKIMMER by Red Sea i don't like mine at all.............i am goign to upgrade it soon