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  1. saltn00b

    I Hate Usps!!!!

    i only use usps for sending out cheato. corals of mine will never enter their system. any of the others are ok with me, especially because i get everything shipped to my work address. overnight is the only way to go 90% of the time.
  2. saltn00b


    ok first get yourself a PO4 test kit. water changes do very little in reducing PO4. perhaps it helps with disastrous numbers, but it doesnt solve the issue. PO4 is introduced into the system from animal waste, and food (ESPECIALLY FROZEN CUBES) and exported out of the system by either being...
  3. saltn00b

    CHAETO + $15 shipped

    cheato shipment going out tomorrow - anyone else want in ?? Husker - i ship the cheato with no water, just wrapped in a damp towel. cheato is a macro algae, and a very tough one at that. i have shipped it from here in FL across the country to a frozen north cali and over 9 days later it was...
  4. saltn00b

    Indentification :)

    yea you want to cut off at least a one inch branch with a clean and sharp cutting instrument. i have dedicated scissors, but scalpels / razors are ok too if you can keep them from moving. this will prevent infection. the leather will look bad for a week, but will recover. be aware however...
  5. saltn00b

    Indentification :)

    its looks fine to me, many finger leathers have very stubbly polyps, unlike the long flowing flowers found on toadstools.
  6. saltn00b

    Test Pics Don't Look

    pretty bubble :)
  7. saltn00b

    well, after almost 7 years

    grats reno! she will be just fine :)
  8. saltn00b

    Putting Faces to the Names

    man those monley bars cant be comfortable to ride
  9. saltn00b

    CHAETO + $15 shipped

    hi - im back in town, whoever wants i have plenty to go around. PM me.
  10. saltn00b

    CHAETO + $15 shipped

    actually i will be in NYC this weekend for a wedding but anytime after we can work something out. send me a PM
  11. saltn00b

    weirdest delimma ever. a good read lol

    some things: 1)one red coris doent belong in a 75g tank. these fish will grow to be the size of your forearm. 2)they are not fighting now as they are both juveniles. this will change. 3) i m pretty sure all wrasse are born female and then --- change to male if they are the largest, depending...
  12. saltn00b

    how to get an anemone to move?

    make sure your powerheads / pump intakes are protected so it doesnt get sucked in. try pointing a PH at it , shade it from direct light, annoy it with icecubes at the base (in plastic bags), like you would be trying to remove it.
  13. saltn00b

    CHAETO + $15 shipped

    im in broward , off of commercial blvd - oh i ride a suzuki gsxr 750 too :)
  14. saltn00b

    CHAETO + $15 shipped

  15. saltn00b

    A Few Photos

    whats the last pic? a purple echino? beautfiul shot / coral
  16. saltn00b

    Purple Up

    if you want corraline , just get good water parameters, good lighting, and at least one rock that has some corraline on it (preferrably). to hasten it even more, just shut off all pumps and gently scrub the corraline on the rock you have letting the spores float around your water column for ten...
  17. saltn00b

    CHAETO + $15 shipped

    yes its available - sorry i did not see this post till now. ill call you today. plenty left.
  18. saltn00b

    green/purple yumas and carrib. sanctithomae shrooms

    did you get the pink delights from isistius? here are the chocolate chips / green eyed palys (combo rock with the green eyed zoos)
  19. saltn00b

    Inhabitants of the lagoon so far

    cool tank! i love the sand... but percs are known jumpers, same as blennys, do you have any preventions?
  20. saltn00b

    green/purple yumas and carrib. sanctithomae shrooms

    technically palys are supposed to be any zoo that grows larger than a dime in diameter i believe, right? also having a long stalk... in that case, i have some pink delights on a frag already. they are smaller specimens, but i have seen the mother colony have some larger than a quarter. i also...