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  1. saltn00b

    Hypo treatment? PLEASE HELP

    sep - yea , that is anecdotal "internet" quality at best, so im not convinced yet. but i agree with Qting. so do you QT inverts yourself? rudedog - i have leathers and GSP and ricordia that were not affected, although some corals definitely were not as "happy" looking until the stuff was...
  2. saltn00b

    HELP My head hurts!

    PCs are terrible IMO for anything other than actinic supplementation to MHs, and even then i would much rather T-5. IMO PCs are an outdated technology that have no business being as pricey or more expensive than T-5. also, T-6 i would stay away from. dont think that just because the "T"...
  3. saltn00b

    Diet Of Anthias Fish

    if he is eating something, the hard part is over. once they become accustomed to the foods you offer, and comfortable, they become rather gluttonous and will eat anything, and lots of it. sometimes even becoming bullys to get to the food first. try offering mysid shrimp or other frozen foods...
  4. saltn00b

    Hypo treatment? PLEASE HELP

    not necessarily. if you have a reef, and value your corals, i would not. ich attack melted an entire colony of Rhodactis mushrooms and Xenia when i tried it in a reef.
  5. saltn00b

    A question? a killer tang

    well a 55g is not a lot of swimming for these fish... however seems you may have something in your tank that you are not aware of. what could cause the bite marks? if it had discolorations on it, describe them because that is suspect to its death and behavior. could be a fungal or bacterial...
  6. saltn00b

    A question? a killer tang

    its possible the tang was stressed out from being cramped in a small space. how big was the tang? tang police should be chiming in here soon - but moral of the story is that these fish need a good 6 feet of swimming room, if not they can become stressed and in some cases the territorial...
  7. saltn00b

    HELP My head hurts!

    that price range is tough. if you want to go corals/ reef, one of the biggest expenses is the initial light purchase. However some continuing expenses come from the electric bill and replacing the bulbs. T-5 is a good new option as the bulbs only need to be replaced every 2 years not every 6...
  8. saltn00b fish order

    well, with anything else, the bigger the better. however most people cant afford the space for massive QT tanks. if you are only introducing small reef fish than the minimal 10g tank is good enough. if you are planning on QTing smaller tangs and such, than 30g and up is much better than a 10g...
  9. saltn00b

    I went to my LFS and boght....

    in addition to what jon said, that suncoral is in pretty bad shape. it has a substantial amount of tissue loss, as that pretty pink color should be a matt covering the entire rock, connecting all of the polyps. it will need a lot of attention and TLC. look into placing a bowl over it and...
  10. saltn00b

    think i got some bad advice

    like what perfect dark said, if these so called HO's are T-5 bulbs and are individually reflected, then yes you can keep a lot of corals quite happily. 4 bulbs would be better than 2 tho.
  11. saltn00b fish order

    i guess you are setting it up now, hopefully its a decent size for a large tang. keep an eye on the levels, it is going to cycle, so keep fresh SW on hand for WCs.
  12. saltn00b

    What Are These???

    wasnt this exact same story posted earlier this week? or am i having deja vu ?
  13. saltn00b

    Hypo treatment? PLEASE HELP

    Originally Posted by sepulatian There most certainly is both evidence and reasons why ich is carried in on inverts, rock, and sand. The trophont spends several days attatched to the fish. When the trophont leaves the fish it is called a protomont. That is the stage where the parasite searches...
  14. saltn00b

    Hypo treatment? PLEASE HELP

    NOOOOO you read up on everything to make that choice?? almost everyone on here has tried the "easy" route. it doesnt work. dont even put it in your tank, and it is not reef safe IME. order the refracto online.
  15. saltn00b

    Hypo treatment? PLEASE HELP

    also there is no scientific evidence or reason why inverts could carry ick on their body. i believe that is a false rumor that has travelled around the internet stemming from the fact that the part of the parasite's life cycle that burrows in calcerous substances (tomont , i believe) can burrow...
  16. saltn00b

    Hypo treatment? PLEASE HELP

    also pay close attention to Alkalinity, it drops very quickly when the salinity gets low. keep a multi buffer on hand like Kent Marine Super Buffer dKH. it buffs both pH and Alk.
  17. saltn00b

    SCSInet's 180g Reef Build!

    SCSI - great stuff here. your wood work is awesome too, a real inspiration. im gonna have to go back and read through this carefully.
  18. saltn00b

    H3!! has officially frozen over at my house

    lol thats my friend kel - she rides the blue Rizzla Moto GP replica
  19. saltn00b

    the thermos blind trade

    badboy - send out on the first monday of the new year - should be the 7th.