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  1. saltn00b

    well, all the threads going to pay off...

    oh that rock has been in my DT for months now, whatever it is, it must have been a lone ranger and stayed inside my faux coral in the QT, otherwise i would have lost a bunch of easy prey in my DT by now.
  2. saltn00b

    well, all the threads going to pay off...

    i have been through 2 hypo cycles since and it is currently in hypo. so whatever it was, it either was not an invert or was somehow able to withstand hypo conditions...
  3. saltn00b

    well, all the threads going to pay off...

    i think i somehow introduced an evil predator into my QT when i was cycling some LR in there. something unseen has eaten 2 of the 3 fish i just put in my QT ; ; hopefully i removed it's hiding spot and the survivor will make it to the DT...
  4. saltn00b

    Just for discussion...

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark I believe the lunar cycle has nothing to do with how the moon lights anything up. I believe its based on the moons gravitational pull on the earth or visa versa at certain times during its cycle. Being the most extreme with a full moon and the least with no...
  5. saltn00b

    for all the greenies out there :)

    thats cool, i like to see 'greenwise' thoughts and products permeating all industries.
  6. saltn00b

    Closed loop circulation systems?

    i have pics and details in my upgrade thread.
  7. saltn00b

    Halo 3

    lol buncha haters on this site... so far the game is decent. the reason why halo shines over most other FPS, is because of the multiplayer / xbox live play. period. they put so much thought, time , coding into the matchmaking system, and making sure the game runs great for it. There will be a...
  8. saltn00b

    Please critique and advise on my fuge plans

    hey grouper, i would heavily consider the three baffle technique on both sides. check out my plans / built fuge in my upgrade thread in this subforum. i consistantly hear about people building a sump and then battling a microbubble problem, so fight it before you run into one. i have reduced...
  9. saltn00b

    well, all the threads going to pay off...

    reno, i have found that consistantly, more than pH , alkalinty drops out VERY fast once the salinity is low. so i would get a buffer like kent superbuffer DkH which buffs both pH and Alk. and watch them both often and early. after the first week of buffing, everything usually stabilizes...
  10. saltn00b

    Just for discussion...

    i would think the full moon has little effect on a tank that can not get lit by the moon. xenia is a tricky coral. there are some unknown things about this coral. it seems to flourish in tanks with less than perfect conditions. It also will live in some people's tanks with no problem and then...
  11. saltn00b

    Is it okay to put a DSB in the sump?

    many people put DSB in there fuge. i for one do that.
  12. saltn00b

    well, after almost 7 years

    grats reno!
  13. saltn00b

    New to Forum - My 225 Gallon Tank

    quite the expensive and pretty live stock list. very pretty fish.
  14. saltn00b

    Please report bad post, spam, bad attitudes, and links to competitors here!!!
  15. saltn00b

    Ich on my transferred fish.

    these meds can be very hard on fish, especially on very sensitive and fragile fish like BF's. run fallow (with no fish) in your DT for 6 weeks before introducing new fish, in the mean time, set up a QT tank and perform Hypo for any new introductions. the only way to beat ich is with Hyposalinity.
  16. saltn00b

    Why do I have Brown stuff on my sand?

    i almost choked - i thought the title of this thread was "Why do I have Brown stuff on my hand? " LMAO anyway if its a new tank, its most likely diatoms , a common phase for new tanks, it will likely get worse then dissappear and never come back.
  17. saltn00b

    finally, after 3 yrs have i have 0 nitrate/nitrite levels!(xenia?)

    xenia does tend to thrive in tanks with less then perfect water quality.
  18. saltn00b

    Saltn00b's Multi-Phase Upgrade Diary!

    ok guys saturday got around to doing some work on the canopy. we could basically only do two things, 1) re-cut the opening for the final CLS design, and 2) glue the 50% of the side walls together. here is the first section that was glued prior. this is the front of the canopy where doors will be...
  19. saltn00b

    red/purple coating on live sand.

    whats your PO4 ? phosphates are a large contributor, and macro algae like cheato will eat it out of the water so the cyano cant feed on it. you can also use a PO4 reactor. 99% of the time cyano break outs occur due to lack of flow. you want to aim for at least 15 times your tank's volume in...