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  1. buzzword

    HELP!! Losing SPS!!

    Jupoc, tank is 120g w/ 30g sump/fug, 175lbs LR. Yes I have a very small green polyped toadstool, Colt coral large at the opposite side of tank. LPS= the torch i mentioned previously. Ricordia, zoo's, clams, xenia. Inverts lots of hernits, fighting conchs, multi snails including nerite, turbo...
  2. buzzword

    HELP!! Losing SPS!!

    Bump for some input. Thanks
  3. buzzword

    HELP!! Losing SPS!!

    OK readers digest version of events: in the past 5 days i have lost 5 SPS to RTN/STN. First the gorgeous and beloved pink birdsnest, then the stylophora, next a frag of a. robusta, montipora petiformis frag, and today a. secale frag. How can I stop the dying? Found the biggest issue to be...
  4. buzzword


    Hey I have lost my beautiful Pink Birdsnest to RTN in the last day and now my Stylophora pistallata has it. Should I get it out? Will RTN spread to other SPS? What the HELL!! Any help please! Thanks
  5. buzzword

    Best lightbulb site?

    Tormented you got mail.
  6. buzzword

    Best lightbulb site?

    Sent it to you.
  7. buzzword

    Best lightbulb site?

    Do you not have it anymore from when we e-mailed about the cheato?
  8. buzzword

    Best lightbulb site?

    post your e-mails and I will send them to you.
  9. buzzword

    Best lightbulb site?

    Tormented e-mail me and I will give you some sites. I just got some 14K bulbs and love them! Just the color I was looking for.
  10. buzzword

    Light acclimation to new MH ?

    i see your point now thanks.
  11. buzzword

    metal halides

    I would figure out what brand and what type i.e. Pulse start, HQI, magnetic, or coil. And then findout what bulbs your ballast will fire correctly. I had to call the maker of mine and e-mailed bulb makers to findout if my ballast could fire their bulbs. HTH
  12. buzzword

    metal halides

    I have 10K's right now and even with the actinics I want a little more blue that is why I am going with the 14K. I have had great growth under my 10K's but have seen tanks with good growth under 14K and 20K. I have predominantly SPS.
  13. buzzword

    metal halides

    Is that on your ballast and what brand of ballast?
  14. buzzword

    metal halides

    That is why I am going with 14K to get the blue tint for coloration and a lower K for growth. I also have actinic PC's with the MH.
  15. buzzword

    metal halides

    Depends on the depth of your tank. They are not reccomended for tanks deeper than 18 inches because they have a very low PAR. I thought about them as well until I found that out. I am swithcing also and have had to settle for Blueline 10K+ (14000K) is what they actually PAR out to and have a...
  16. buzzword

    What salt brand do you use?

    I use Tropic Marin now. I used Kent from the start but switched about 3 1/2 months ago. When the salt mix thread was going I noted that of all the salts posted that Kent and Tropic Marin had the highest calcium content. I prefer the Tropic Marin now because It's alkalinity is more stable as...
  17. buzzword

    Light acclimation to new MH ?

    Now why you guys wanna confuse me like that LOL. No offense Wax but I don't understand the rational. If I just increase the photo period then there is no need for the eggcrate, right? I just want to do this right and not shock/scorch my corals. Thank you both for your input.
  18. buzzword

    Light acclimation to new MH ?

    Wax, why eggcrate and how do you mean over? Do you mean on the tanks inner rim like I have for my wifes jawfish to keep him from jumping? And why will it cut the light? Thanks for the input.
  19. buzzword

    Light acclimation to new MH ?

    I am getting new bulbs on friday and am wondering how to acclimate my corals to the new light. I currently have 10K's and am getting 14K's. Should I put them in and gradually increase the time they are on; say 2-3hrs first day, 3-4hrs on 3rd day, 4-5 hrs on 5th day etc? I have my MH on for...
  20. buzzword

    LFS QT for you???

    My LFS quarantines their fish for 3 weeks and allows you to pick them and purchase them at that time as well. They will then hold them for another 2 weeks after that. I love them and will not buy fish anywhere else.