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  1. emm0909

    my pic finally

    Linkas should be in 180's just because they eat so much. They still starve in those as well. I would guess that the mandarin will do the same unless you have a refugium flooding that tank with fat pods.
  2. emm0909

    How Many Kinds of Tanks have you had?

    29 FOWLR 30 FOWLR garbage can full of live rock? Hey, it harbored fire worms. 30 fal fresh 20 gal fresh 55 gal fresh - blood parrot [hr] I took most down during the move and now I have 75gal reef 30gal - slowly converting to reef for my mother 55gal fresh. That blood parrot has way too...
  3. emm0909

    How Many Kinds of Tanks have you had?

    ReefKeepers you lie, thats your GFs goldfish tank. I know this because if it was yours those goldfish would be lunch and their tank would be filled with frags.
  4. emm0909

    $10 toadstool frag

    GRabbitt, our frags are related!
  5. emm0909

    Looking for a few things

    poison dart frogs?
  6. emm0909

    HOB Overflow

    I don't know. Anything 55gal and smaller it'd probably be perfect for. I'm not going to set up another tank for a while. The DT is enough as it is and HOBs are fine on a frag.
  7. emm0909

    Pro Heat titanium heaters 350w

  8. emm0909

    HOB Overflow

    I have an overflow. I'm sure someone out there is looking for one. I have no need for it right now. Comes with in tank piece, ouutter tank piece and the syphon. All it needs is some slight plumbing and youre set. $20 + $7 shipping (Lower 48)
  9. emm0909

    Pro Heat titanium heaters 350w

    For both.
  10. emm0909

    Please Confirm before I kill it...

    Finish Him!
  11. emm0909

    Shrimp Goby vs. Randall Pistol Shrimp

    I just bought a pistol shrimp and he just arrived at my desk. He's sitting in the bag looking at me right now. He gets to go see his new home on my lunch break. There isn't a shrimp goby to eat him yet in the tank. Glad I got the shrimp first! Sorry to hear of the loss. Sounds like youre goby...
  12. emm0909

    Pro Heat titanium heaters 350w

    They work. How's $40 shipped? As long as it's in the lower 48 then $40 shipped would be good. Send a PM with address and you can paypal to:
  13. emm0909


    Don't waste your time. Focus on learning to frag if you don't do it already. It's more rewarding and faster. Instead of blending a toadstool, if you want 100, just cut it into 100 pieces. Blending will probably kill off a lot of flesh in the process. Cutting it is just as easy, less messy and...
  14. emm0909

    120g too big for house.

    Well just set the tank on the floor and it can be 5' tall! Problem solved!
  15. emm0909

    Would you rather buy...

    How big is the tank? If nothing will harass them then get the sexy shrimp. They are great to look for and a treat to see in a large aquarium (just because you'll see them infrequently most likely). Honestly, buy the sexies this time but you know you're going to buy the pistol on the following...
  16. emm0909

    Anyone have hawk w/shrimp??

    I'm having the same questions. Good post. I've got 6 peppermints that are pretty small still and I want a Flame hawk. I have a fear it'll eat them right up though.
  17. emm0909

    Snails eating cleaner shrimp? Help...

    Well there's your answer. I would dip zoas or something imobile but as acclimation Fish - Drip acclimate Inverts - Drip Corals - Just drop them in. Drip acclimation is by far the easiest way to do it and by far the BEST way to do it. Just get a piece of airline and keep a small styrofoam cooler...
  18. emm0909

    Pro Heat titanium heaters 350w

    SOLD I have two ProHeat titanium heaters that need a home. Make me an offer and they are yours. Seperate titanium heating probe, temp sensor and external temperature controller. 350 watt
  19. emm0909


    I'm lost. Whats so bad? Fedel... You done reefing all together? After all those setups you just want to drop it 100% Are you dying?
  20. emm0909

    $10 toadstool frag

    These little frags are good. I got one home about two weeks ago and it's already almost doubled in size. $15 can't go wrong.