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  1. emm0909

    Condy anemone (philly suburbs)

    Right on man! I've got electric included in rent as well. He has no clue how much my tank is costing him. He thinks it's the hot water heater!
  2. emm0909

    There's something about magnets......

    It's such a wierd concept.
  3. emm0909

    Please Confirm before I kill it...

    take it!
  4. emm0909

    There's something about magnets......

    Those look alright. They really aren't a bad price if you're a little skeptical. It's just a tube with magnets in it though? What if you ran magnets up the side of your return line? Were you putting the magnets in the water or outside your plumbing?
  5. emm0909

    white stuff on lr

    deal coraline
  6. emm0909

    Day by day Xenia growth

    I'm sorry but, is that Anthellia or a wood polyp? Thats what it looks like to me.
  7. emm0909

    Ricordias slowly dying

    Yummas are rics. Folrdia Ricordia Yumma Richordia
  8. emm0909

    Flordia Ricordeas

    You can have saturday delivery. Have it shipped to a family member where they work. That way they can get it and keep it in a good temperature (Not outside) until you get out and have time to get in them in the tank. They'll live. You can ship them priority mail and they'll still live.
  9. emm0909

    Ricordias slowly dying

    I moved them up to the top of my rock. As they shrink the phosporesents in the ric become more dense causing it to glow stronger in actinics. Other than that no color change. (For all but one. The biggest one did bleach)
  10. emm0909

    Ricordias slowly dying

    I guess I'll move them up. Thye've been up higher before but I guess I'll try again. I hate moving them around so much.
  11. emm0909

    Whitestripe with lymphocyctis?

    Thanks Beth. On the lower fins of my White Stripe Maroon Clown there are little bits of fuz. The closest thing I've found is lymphocyctis looking at the diseased fish thread. What is this and how do you treat in a reef aquarium? (I just lost a Fridmani Pseudochromis this morning, to what I...
  12. emm0909

    Ricordias slowly dying

    I had a rock with about ten Yumma ricordias on it. For the last two months they have been slowly dying one by one. I have four left on the rock. They end up detaching and I find them in other places in the tank. So I have 7 total. They start to get smaller and not looking so well then they are...
  13. emm0909

    how do you guys afford the electricity?

    $100 a month sounds crazy. What are you running? Lights are getting better and better so you have to use less wattage for the same amount of water. T5's are awesome. VHOs are great. If you were running a 125w MH and two actinics, sump with skimmer, heater return pump, chiller and pumps in the...
  14. emm0909

    how do you guys afford the electricity?

    I pay my roomate a flat rate every month and that includes elecric. When he moved in I set the tank up immediately so he doesn't have a clue how much it's pulling. Smooth sailing.
  15. emm0909

    Say it ain't so!!!

    Your Love Is A Heart Breaker!
  16. emm0909

    Say it ain't so!!!

    shoot it up with some joes juice or pluck it out with some tweezers. Sometimes, in my case, the zoas will overcrowd it and it will slowly move to the edge of the colony. But if you want to nail it with some joes juice, hit it hard and don't worry about your zoas. They can get absolutly covered...
  17. emm0909

    just for kicks. what about this skimmer?

    Just put it in your sump. Get a Seaclone HOB skimmer. They work great.
  18. emm0909

    need some input, please help out

    I think a mantis would do great in a ten gallon. They are smart little guys too so you'd probably get a lot of enjoyment and interaction with it. Beware that anything alive in the tank is at risk though.
  19. emm0909

    need some input, please help out

    The invert thing is often wanted. Especially when you're first getting into them. I would put some rock in the tank. Not too much. Then keep it simple. Several mushrooms, different colors. Maybe a little Kenya tree frag and some palys. Some low light pieces what will survive. Stock? Youre going...
  20. emm0909

    need some input, please help out

    Mantis Shrimp!!!!!!