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  1. buzzword


    Please do! I would love to see the full beauty of that tank. Gives me inspiration.
  2. buzzword


    My god that is an incredible tank!!!!
  3. buzzword

    Look at my Gifts.

    Love the Hammer. Here is my monster! Took less than one day for mine to open up. Good luck.
  4. buzzword

    STUNG bY anemone?!?!?!

    I feed my RBTA by hand all the time and barely feel a prickle from it's tenticles. Maybe I'm just dumb! :hilarious
  5. buzzword

    Whats in your Fuge

    4 inch sand bed 20+lbs LR, hermits, lots of stomatilla snails, bristle worms and a massive wad of cheato that I have to cull handfulls out every 2-3 weeks, 2x 18w PC that runs opposite of the MH=16hrs. And some of the biggest amphipods I have seen. Not to mention all of the pods that are...
  6. buzzword


    I have 3, 2 monti caps and a purple dig. They like medium to strong flow. Mine are doing great and I have 30x turnover in my 120g.
  7. buzzword

    Really need an answer

    Current Sunpaq Retrofit 4x65w PC $167.00 Look on-line.
  8. buzzword

    starfish really hasnt moved from top corner of tank.. is it ok???

    It is a Red formia, I have one too and it has barely moved in 2 weeks. It is hanging from my lr with all it's legs on the rock and stomach hanging off. Mine has no appearance of harm, white patches or signs of dying either. I don't know what to tell you but just watch him and keep your water...
  9. buzzword

    I Need You ....

    My CB is great, always on the move, beautiful and has never touched a coral or one of my clams.
  10. buzzword

    updated pics of my reef =]

    Very nice!!
  11. buzzword

    Fish Pics

  12. buzzword

    Anyone with built in overflows?

    Mine too. It's a pod breading ground! I take it out when it gets really thick and feed it to my tang and angel and LMB they love it. Plus the pods go in the main tank for food and replenishment. Don't worry about it too much unless it get out of control.
  13. buzzword

    Huge Hammer

    Fishamajig don't make me beat you with my huge monster hammer. LOL
  14. buzzword

    zoo eating nudibranch removal

    Murph, I had this problem a few months ago, here is what I did. Take the zoo's out and dip them in Iodine solution mixed with RO water or tank water for 7 minutes, rinse in tank water and return to tank. I did this 3 days in a row with no ill effects to my zoos. They were closed for a few...
  15. buzzword


    Too bad. I think it is hit or miss with them. My LMB is about 5 inches and is very shy. He doesn't bother any of the other fish and even hangs out with my Red Sea Mimic Blenny at times. Good luck.
  16. buzzword

    Huge Hammer

    Fishamajig the thing is OOC! (out of control) I love the bugger and will be hard to get rid of if I do. If he gets much bigger going to have to find him a new home. Here is anoher shot of the monster!
  17. buzzword

    Huge Hammer

    Hurt, yes it is a mixed reef. I have SPS, LPS, softies and zoos. The tank pic is about 3/4 of the tank. I just set up a 20g for my wife who wants LPS and softies. My tank has too much flow for most LPS. I am going to make it mostly SPS and clams. I have 4 clams right now and love em...
  18. buzzword

    Huge Hammer

    My Anchor Hammer is out of control! Can he get much bigger? The pic with the tape measure for reference makes it almost look smaller. It is about 7inches across by 8 inches tall. Can you frag an Anchor Hammer? Just curious.
  19. buzzword

    is calcium iodine and strontium necesary for live coral

    Thanks Bang, I'm with you on that.
  20. buzzword

    is calcium iodine and strontium necesary for live coral

    Bang I don't even know how you read these last few posts. Broken english, half the words misspelled, no punctuation. I gave up even trying to read his posts, but was very interested in what you had to say about the alk, acids, carbonates and their relationships. Thanks for the info Bang.