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  1. saltn00b

    Zooanthid growth Race!!!!

    well my galaxia has finished its decimation of everything on my race rock, and stretching out larger! in 2 years it has never acted this way and i am not sure why it has gone postal all of a sudden. anyway i guess this is my official retraction cause i have nothing except the original mother...
  2. saltn00b

    ufos, need opions

    (if you cant beat em , join em)all of this is a coincedence. sorry aztec, i usually agree with you on many many posts but your arguments in this thread have been abismally weak. how: First of all, God isn't a person (at least not on EARTH) yes we know that God gave he's son(jesus) so that we can...
  3. saltn00b


    as a rule of thumn you usually want to medicate in an established QT tank for a host of reasons. however, some medications may be ok, possibly dependant on the type of tank you have.
  4. saltn00b


    what test kit are you using? some test kits give false zero readings. they say 0.1 at all times even when it is zero.
  5. saltn00b

    ufos, need opions

    talk about off topic! i make a post talking about the origin of this thread - you guys remember, the whole UFO photochops that snakeboy was trying to pull over on everyone? yea sure ya do! ...and it gets blown over for this whole god vs science nonsense! not even one comment - sniff sniff.
  6. saltn00b


    well i know you didnt post about this , but it is very likely those clowns will eventually kill each other in that tank. its is very ill-advised to mix multiple species of clowns in a small tank. even if they have been in there since you have had the tank, just wait for them to get fully...
  7. saltn00b

    ufos, need opions

    LOL oh sharkboy.... i stopped reading about 2 pages ago when you guys started getting into the theological debate. i dont have time to get into that, BUT as for the photos: the "Photos" in this thread are a text book example of trial and error. photo 1) looked terrible. Use of a solid black...
  8. saltn00b


    did you move rocks around your tank looking for him or something? sounds almost like he got crushed and got some bone / spine damage. almost impossible to tell without pics. what kinf od wrasse is it? what size tank is it? do the clowns get along?
  9. saltn00b

    aquarium with wood trim?

    i wouldnt put an emperor in 120. they are also not reef safe, so it would be hard to convert down the line if that was your plan. i guess as far as money goes, be prepared to spend some in this hobby
  10. saltn00b

    aquarium with wood trim?

    if you are looking new, big als in ft lauderdale has great prices on tanks because of a deal with dabricaters. beyond that just keep looking in bargain traders at publix and classifieds from your local newspaper / website. and craigslist.
  11. saltn00b

    aquarium with wood trim?

    what do they want for it? i would pay $45 , tops.
  12. saltn00b

    aquarium with wood trim?

    Originally Posted by f14peter Frankly, the second picture looks more like plastic melting from a heat source ... I don't think wood would deform like that. +1 that is exactly what i thought at first glance. that is plastic with wood appearance, and its melted. what does he want for it? and...
  13. saltn00b

    1 Dead and 1 on the Way

    if you are cleaning it and causing a mess, you should just replace it with a much healthier choice that doesnt need cleaning, LS.
  14. saltn00b

    aquarium with wood trim?

    sounds weird. maybe post some pics?
  15. saltn00b

    help with equipment

    the pet store doesnt need a list of what you want. why would they? so they can sell it all to you in one shot. that is a waste of money. if you are gonna buy the tank from them, fine. do it, place it in your house, and then research your equipment and what you want to do with the tank and...
  16. saltn00b

    Using Established media from a FW tank

    most certainly not the same bacteria. what are you basing your originaly presumption on? there are more species and types and variations of bacteria then there are species of animals.
  17. saltn00b

    1 Dead and 1 on the Way

    the Lunar wrasse is a larger species of wrasse that is usually quite aggressive and more at home in an agressive type of tank then a community tank. The torn fins are text book examples of harassment. The wrasse also needs a larger tank than a 55. more like double that at least.
  18. saltn00b

    Quarantine Tank

    basically, you will be better off with a bigger tank. if you have a massive DT, then a 10g tank wont due for big fish that need to be QTd. i personally have a 29g Tall.
  19. saltn00b

    Recommended powerheads

    what do you want to keep in said tank? at a minimum between your sump turnover and powerheads, should be 10X your tank volume. better at 15X, and some corals demand 20X-30X
  20. saltn00b

    Got temp down 5 degrees in 3 hours

    was the fan you got plug in or batteries? i can never find small clip ons that are plug in!