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    What would you recommend?

    and also how would i keep the temp down?
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    What would you recommend?

    what would i use as a lid?
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    Giant Coral banded

    well he lost all of his little claws what all he has left are his back legs.
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    What would you recommend?

    mh sounds good i think i'll get them and thank u for all the info guys.
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    Giant Coral banded

    and also how will he eat?
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    Giant Coral banded

    so he will be fine?
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    Acrylic tanks

    yea i have a acrylic and i like it alot but it scratches so easy.
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    What would you recommend?

    here is the tank
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    What would you recommend?

    Ok i have a 29 gallon and i want to get hard and soft corals so which kind of lighting do u recommend?plz respond
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    Finally have permission for new tank..Have questions

    yea i would go with a 180
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    Giant Coral banded

    hey what does it mean when they lose there big claws?
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    Whats the difference?

    and another
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    Whats the difference?

    heres another pic
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    branching forgspawn

    how many watts would i need to put a frogspawn in my 12 gallon?
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    OT: UF or FSU

    see they got the right idea
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    Little Nemo - Day 6

    Bang guy is it really hard takin care of the little nemo?
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    OT: UF or FSU

    ha i like oklahoma to but gators are my favorite college team.
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    Whats the difference?

    heres another pic
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    Whats the difference?

    heres my tomato