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  1. zanoshanox

    JJJoey's Tank :)

    Montipora. They tend to be the only SPS that do okay under anything less than MH. My buddy had some growing like crazy under his T-5, and I had some under my PC's. For now I'd stick to softies like shrooms and leathers and LPS (frogspawn, hammers, bubbles, etc.) Try some ricordeas!
  2. zanoshanox

    JJJoey's Tank :)

    Originally Posted by JJJoey what all kind of corals can i get with 446 watts on a 55 gallon tank? Basically everything except SPS. You could maybe even try some montis. I kept everything under 140w pc over my 20g. Take it slow mayne.
  3. zanoshanox

    Its Running YEAAAA!

    Excellent aquascaping.
  4. zanoshanox

    New Zoo Pics

    Sweet frags mayne.
  5. zanoshanox

    Allen7 29g Bio Cube Pic's :)

    Tank is looking good man. Frag that leather and take it into your LFS ;]
  6. zanoshanox

    Updated Pics, 24g Nano

    DAMN man nice tank! What do you dose it with? Wonderful to see such good growth out of a nano!
  7. zanoshanox

    I'm watching the Presidential Debate right now

    I just find it funny how both of them manage to dance around every single question without giving any difinitive answers.
  8. zanoshanox

    Question for the successful coraline algea tanks

    Yeah ^ Ive had several nanos with softies and what not with a lot less flow and hardly any coraline growth. However when I set up my 65 for SPS mith mag 9 and 2 seios there was a ton of flow and i saw a lot of coraline growth as soon as I set up the tank.
  9. zanoshanox


    firefish are usually pretty skiddish.
  10. zanoshanox

    Coral lost in mail is WHITE

    very tragic, hopefully they'll re emberse you
  11. zanoshanox

    6 months? I think...

    is that last one a long tentacle plate? Nice stuff man.
  12. zanoshanox

    tarantulandy's 22gal cube

    pretty LR
  13. zanoshanox

    New Puppy!!

    Thanks for all the love guys! He's asleep on my big old bed right now =]
  14. zanoshanox

    My First Acan

    Only ever had one colony of acans and mine never took my mysis =/
  15. zanoshanox

    New pics of my 20 high

    Tank is looking great man! Good to see you're not overstocking it with fishes. Really like those new candy canes =]
  16. zanoshanox

    New chick on the block

    woah... Am i the only one that sees some problems here? First off, that nano is beautiful, but in no way suitable for 3 angels, especially two large angels. They need more swimming space than that, and they have a lot more growing to do... And a lionfish with perculas? They will become lunch...
  17. zanoshanox

    Rebelprettyboy 14-Gal BioCuBE Pic DIAry!

    Nice pics bro.
  18. zanoshanox

    WaMu no more...

    what is the world coming to?
  19. zanoshanox

    New Puppy!!

    here is my new beagle puppy: He's about 9 weeks old now. Really a sweetheart. His name is bleezo (to the left) and this is his brother dubee (on the right) that my buddy got. They are cute as hell when they play together
  20. zanoshanox

    sick tang

    I sure hope you didn't post this in the nano tank section for a reason....