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  1. dive girl

    Seahorse QTing ?

    When I order my first seahorses, should I QT them or since they will be the first of my herd is it okay to add them right to the tank? In the dwarf seahorse book I've been reading, the author says to give them a freshwater dip to remove any external parasites. Is this something that should...
  2. dive girl

    Missing Fish Arrived

    I'm sorry to hear about your animals.
  3. dive girl

    Dwarf Seahorse Tank Set Up Questions

    Thanks! All this information is really helpful!
  4. dive girl

    Dwarf Seahorse Tank Set Up Questions

    Thanks for the info. I SCUBA dive often and have been lucky enough to see seahorses in the ocean. A few of those (no dwarfs) were found along a wall where currents are the norm. As I have it now, there are some areas that have a higher flow and some areas that have a lower flow. I'll keep an...
  5. dive girl

    Dwarf Seahorse Tank Set Up Questions

    Just thought of another: Do you keep your salinity for your horses at 1.019-1.021? This is the measurement that I've read is optimal. How do your inverts and corals do with this salinity?
  6. dive girl

    Dwarf Seahorse Tank Set Up Questions

    I'm setting up a tank for some dwarf seahorses. It's cycled and the clean up crew (just snails so far) is working away. I've put in a little chaeto and a bottle of copepods to start seeding. I've got some macroalgae ordered to start growing. I've bought a few seahorse books so that I go into...
  7. dive girl

    chapstick appreciation.

    I'm addicted to lip protection! My favorite is the spearmint from TraderJoe's. I feel sorry for my son; I've got him hooked too.
  8. dive girl

    BTA Trouble

    I've never been to Wisconsin, but how warm does your house get in the summer? If you get Metal Halides, you may need a chiller so then you are looking at another couple of hundred. I believe that T5s run cooler than MH. I have a 29G tank and started with PC lighting. After I got an anemone...
  9. dive girl

    Power Strips

    I love the DJ powerstrips! Read about them here and have one on both my tanks! But I also have the strip with the timer built in for my lights.
  10. dive girl

    Blasto Appreciation Thread

    Ooohh, those PPE are beautiful!! Where did you get them??
  11. dive girl

    any ideas?

    Do you have a sea hare or a sea slug in your tank? It appears as if they are eggs.
  12. dive girl

    Pictures can only describe this... in Frankenstein! Very cool fish!!
  13. dive girl

    Help with RODI Unit

    Oh! That is very similar to how my laundry room is set up.....but as I write this I realize, how different can laundry rooms really be?! I'm pretty sure that I'm going to get mine from the filterguys. Thanks for the photos! I know that was some extra work for you but now I know how to set...
  14. dive girl

    Ill Anemone

    Also, do you supplement feed? If your LFS says that your lighting "should be enough", I would bet that it probably isn't. Unfortunately a LFS that I went to before I found salt water forum said that my PCs would be fine for my anemone. I found this site shorly after and upgraded to MH with...
  15. dive girl

    BTA Has Me confused...

    Good luck with your BTA. If you can get it to eat, that's a good sign. I got a beautiful white and pink condi from a LDS, unfortunately pink and white is not a great color/condition for them. I started feeding mine about 1/3 of a silverside. Sometimes he (Darwin) would eat it and other...
  16. dive girl

    power strip

    I bought mine at the Guitar Center for $30. It's a American DJ Model PC-100A. I love it. Have one on both my tanks.
  17. dive girl

    Help with RODI Unit

    Originally Posted by Kube I think Joe summed it up very nicely, I added my RODI unit it the laundry room where the cold water line connects to the laundry machine I put garden tee with onoff switch and bought an adapter to connect the RODI unit to the tee, total cost like 6 dollars, I'm glad i...
  18. dive girl

    reef tank vs. gas fireplace

    Santa brought me a 12g nanocube!!! I'm thinking about putting this one in my formal living room, adjacent to my gas-run fireplace. It's not often used but on occasion I do enjoy being in that room with the fireplace lit. I'm not worried about issues with heat, but with fumes. Anyone have...
  19. dive girl

    Get a book for the holydays

    I bought and read two books before I started and still made mistakes. I'm now up to 6 books and still don't have all the answers. I like being able to ask specific questions and get answers. When I talk to my books, I've yet had one reply.