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  1. dive girl

    sump return questions

    LOL! Everything is working well. The overflow is wide open and so is the return pump. The level in the last chamber goes down with evaporation. Next stop, ATO unit and RO/DI unit. I could have dove Fiji for what I've spent on my tanks!
  2. dive girl

    can't figure out why my water is 'off'

    Thanks for the replies. The sand wasn't true live sand. It was sand from the bag and I rinsed it with some RO water prior to putting it in the sump. Yes, I've got about 2" of live sand. I thought about that cauing a spike, but didn't really think about the live rock. Well, I certainly won't...
  3. dive girl

    can't figure out why my water is 'off'

    I recently plumbed at 20 gallon sump/refugium into my 29 gallon reef tank. I added 20lbs of live sand, 25 lbs of live rock (give or take a few pounds) and some macroalgae. Ever since it's been running I've had water tests that result in 0.25 ammonia and 0.25 nitrites! I've had no problems in...
  4. dive girl

    Best RO system for the Buck

    Thanks, I'll check it out. Do most hook-up the ro/di units under their kitchen sinks?
  5. dive girl

    Best RO system for the Buck

    Originally Posted by forddna Well, mine is 365-375 from the tap! The Aqua-Safe just comes as a bunch of parts in a box. No instructions. I had to print them off the internet, and STILL come on here and ask for help. If you are on a super tight budget, go for it. Otherwise, believe me...
  6. dive girl

    I say "Clown GOBY" he hears "Clown FISH"!

    My clown goby is so cute. He really thinks that he's a clown fish. He hosts in my colt coral, torch coral and has now started in with my anemone. We've talked about how the anemone could decide that he wants to eat him , but my goby just doesn't care. Lucky for him my anemone is well fed.
  7. dive girl

    sump return questions

    Thanks for the warnings. I'll keep a close eye on everything. I took yesterday off work and spent it changing some things on my tank. How do you figure out how much the overflow is sending compared to how much the pump is returning? Right now, the overflow valve is completely open and the...
  8. dive girl

    Help build sump

    If you are using a glass 30 gallon, you won't be able to get the acrylic to bond to the glass. Acrylic to acrylic or glass to glass.
  9. dive girl

    "Killer Tank" strikes again!

    Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 B. You burn candles in the same room. Don't want to hijack this thread but what does burning candles do?
  10. dive girl

    sump return questions

    So, I see it's kind of like everything else in this hobby... what works for some doesn't necessarily work for others and what works for others doesn't necessarily work for some?? I'll keep a close eye on my u-tube to make sure that I'm not getting any bubbles, I'm not currently. I haven't...
  11. dive girl

    sump return questions

    Okay. I've opened up the line from my overflow box all the way as well as the return line from the sump to the DT. The pump is able to pump more water than the overflow can drain (no bubbles). This is probably because I have 3/4" (inner diameter) plumbing instead of 1". I've made sure that I...
  12. dive girl

    sump return questions

    Thanks! I'll look into increasing my pump today.
  13. dive girl

    sump return questions

    The drain on the box is 1" but the input PVC pipe into my sump is 3/4" (I don't know if that changes how you measure the flow or not). Thanks. I was thinking about getting an ATO once I was able to get my sump squared away.
  14. dive girl

    sump return questions

    Thanks so much for the answers. The plumbing is 46" from the sump to the DT. The overflow box is 5.5" long x 3.75" wide and 6" deep. If the 1400 isn't strong enough, what would you recommend for a pump?
  15. dive girl

    sump return questions

    Oh, so the water level in the DT is constantly changing between when the overflow fills and when the waterline is too low to add anymore? If that's right, I think I'm understanding it. I was trying to keep the flow in the same as the flow out so that the level didn't change at all.
  16. dive girl

    sump return questions

    My biggest worry is not that the overflow will cause a flood if the power goes out (I've made sure that there is enough room in my sump to handle the excess water) but if the return pumps more water into the tank than my overflow can keep up with causing my DT to overflow.
  17. dive girl

    sump return questions

    I have no idea why I just don't get it! I've searched on here and on search engines and looked many diy projects but I can't understand the final chamber of the sump. I've built my own sump/refugium using a 20 gallon glass tank. It runs under my 29 gallon DT. I use an overflow box. I have...
  18. dive girl

    Hydor Flo Rotating Deflector Wavemaker

    I appreciate the input. The only round inlets I have are from the return of my sump/fuge. I was hoping to put them on my nano powerheads to create more movement that way.
  19. dive girl

    Sump/Fuge Questions

    I’m new to the hobby. I bought a 10G sump/refug for my 30G DT a while back. I like it but want to change some things, so I’m going to build my own out of a 20G. I think with 3 sections using ballasts. I have a couple of questions on placement of equipment: 1. Where should I put the heater...