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  1. dive girl

    sump return pump

    I have a quiet one 3000 as my return pump. No complains yet.
  2. dive girl

    TDS Meter Values...

    Mine is: in = 240ish out = 0
  3. dive girl

    What do you feed your anemone

    I make my own fish food with a combination of many different things. I feed that to them and they seem to take and eat it without any hesitation. I thought one of my anemones was going to die once after it ate a silverside. I don't know if it was the silverside or not, but now I use my own...
  4. dive girl

    First time making my own saltwater questions

    Did the wter change today. Tested the new water for specific gravity, salinity, ph and phosphate prior to using. Everything looks good and everyone looks happy. Thanks for all the input!
  5. dive girl

    My D.I.Y Chaeto Mini-Refugium for NanoTanks....

    Okay Kromix, you''ve had plenty of time now........are you happy with your diy fuge?? Did you make any changes? Thanks for posting the pictures. I think I'll make one this weekend (oh, wait...have to order the lights first!!)
  6. dive girl

    First time making my own saltwater questions

    I've done the search-thing and read through older threads. I love the idea about the paint mixer on my drill, so I'll get that today. I made the ro/di water last night (20G), added salt using a whisk to mix it along with 2 nano powerheads. It's now aging with the two powerheads and two small...
  7. dive girl

    Anyone have photos of brine shrimp hatchery?

    Thanks. I hate to spoil it but, I have learned my lesson. I've changed so much already with my DT. I bought a 10g sump/fuge (for a 29G) and decided that I wanted to make changes after plumbing it into my tank. So...I made my own sump/fuge out of a 20g and replumbed everything again. Then I...
  8. dive girl

    Anyone have photos of brine shrimp hatchery?

    Yipee! I came home from work tonight and disconnected my hatchery. I put my jar in the kitchen with a flashlight next to it. Pretty soon I saw the little buggers flitting around. I siphoned out a bunch and fed them to my reef tank. Everyone was thrilled with the new snack. Okay, so now I...
  9. dive girl

    Four new Fillies!

    Ohh! Bless you for rescuing them! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE PICTURES!
  10. dive girl

    Does a card need an envelope to be effective?

    Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE Someone gave me a card today with no envelope. They just handed me the card. They said "Here we got this for you". It didn't even say "To..." I didn't fake an excited feeling. It seemed like an after thought. If it had a envelope, at least some suspense would...
  11. dive girl

    Sick Anenome

    This isn't in the Clownfish and Anemone forum so you may not be getting the responses you need from people that have more experience. You may want to ask a Moderator to move this thread. I would also send a PM to either Lmecher, PerfectDark, or subielover. They seem to know a lot about...
  12. dive girl

    Anyone have photos of brine shrimp hatchery?

    I'll show mine if you show yours?? Alright, I made mine today. I'll have 3 hatcheries going (I think) but I'm just testing it with one right now since I don't have any ponies yet. I've read of people using 2 liter bottles and then these canning jars. I like the canning jar because of the...
  13. dive girl

    HELP quickly please - BABIES!

    Sue I'm thinking of you and your little babies! I know what you mean about spending too much time away from your tank. Sometimes I think about setting my laptop up near one of my tanks so that I can use the webcam during the day. When I come downstairs in the morning, I check my tank before...
  14. dive girl

    Anyone have photos of brine shrimp hatchery?

    Hopefully this week, I'll get my brine shrimp hatchery set up. I've got all of the supplies, I think. I'm going to use 2 liter bottles, inverted. Does anyone use this method? Does anyone have photos of their set up?
  15. dive girl

    Dwarf Seahorse Tank Set Up Questions

    Nothing yet. I'll try and take a few tomorrow.
  16. dive girl

    Sick Anenome

    It looks like you anemone is just deflated because it is getting rid of waste. How long have you have it? Have you never seen it do this before? I know that when my anemone does deflate, it appears as if it is dying, but it is just defecating.
  17. dive girl

    help help help! crab eating anemone!!

    Have you thought about feeding you anemone? My green clown goby actually sits inside my condi (never heard of that before, it is like he is hosting) so I make sure that my condi is well fed. Otherwise, I'm afraid my goby is his next meal.
  18. dive girl

    Good RO system

    I bought mine from thefilterguys and it was almost plug and play. I installed it today and it was pretty easy. I'm very happy with the service and correspondence with them.
  19. dive girl

    Have you ever wanted a fish that you knew you shouldnt buy?

    Yep, sure did. Bought an anemone and then metal halides.
  20. dive girl

    Seahorse QTing ?

    Thanks Tom. How long do you typically qt for? The dwarf seahorse book says 3 days?? That seems short to me.