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  1. dive girl

    Oh Cr*p~ I think it's webbing

    Yikes, I haven't heard of this before! It's parasitic or bacterial?
  2. dive girl

    Oh My Goodnessssssssss

    From reading your posts, I can't imagine that they could be in better hands.
  3. dive girl

    Oh My Goodnessssssssss

    Cleve, your new baby is just a cutie too. (Sorry for the hijack!) Update! We need an update!
  4. dive girl

    Dwarf Seahorse Dietary Questions

    5 years! whoa! When I feed I try to switch between either newly hatched BBS or BBS that have been gut loaded with an enrichment food I got from seahorse source.
  5. dive girl

    HELP is this a type of hydroid?

    Thanks for input!!
  6. dive girl

    HELP is this a type of hydroid?

    Oh good! The things in questions are the like little spider-webby coverings at the 1. bottom of the macroalgae near the snail and 2. at the base of the rock covering the piece of macro. I was/am worried that it might be some type of colony. I've searched images of hydroids but haven't seen...
  7. dive girl

    HELP is this a type of hydroid?

    Since these photos were taken of my dwarf seahorse tank, I am really hoping that someone can give me a positive id!
  8. dive girl

    Female Southern Erectus died

    So sorry.
  9. dive girl

    Blue Tree Gorgonian

    Nice! Have you taken photos yet? hint, hint... In my little tank I've got mainly live macros, but still a few fake hitches left. I haven't added any softies yet. I've been thinking about adding a chili coral to the tank. I have one in my reef tank and would like to move it along with a colt...
  10. dive girl

    Blue Tree Gorgonian

    Beautiful. I've wondered about keeping a gorgonian in a DSH tank. Since I'm feeding BBS or enriched BS, I always thought that it would probably do well. Rynka, do you keep your gorgonians in your DSH tank?
  11. dive girl

    Oh My Goodnessssssssss

    They are sooooo cute!! Their little snouts look too big for them! :)
  12. dive girl

    Quick Anemone Help Needed!!!

    How long have you had it? I hope all of your powerheads and intakes are covered, they WILL get sucked in. What size is your tank? How's the water parameters?
  13. dive girl

    Quick Anemone Help Needed!!!

    +1 It's expelling waste. If you can post a photo, we can be more certain. Watch the color and smell. I've heard that a dying anemone smells really bad.
  14. dive girl

    How to add sand to existing tank????

    Thanks for the suggestions.
  15. dive girl

    How to add sand to existing tank????

    Oops! Double post.
  16. dive girl

    How to add sand to existing tank????

    I'd like to add some additional sand to my established tank, probably just the CaribSea bagged sand to make the sandbed a little deeper. If I do this, will it start a cycle? Should I rinse the sand well before adding it and maybe adding a small amount every day over a period of time? I'm...
  17. dive girl

    Power outage!!!

    To be honest, I don't know what I'd do. The only power outages that I've had to go through are "brown-outs" due to high electricity demand when it's too hot during the summer and everyone is running their air conditioning. I like the idea of the inverter and will have to look into getting a...
  18. dive girl

    Dwarf Seahorse Dietary Questions

    Thanks Tom. I'll look into tisbe pods and see if I can get some of those to add too. I hope to be one of the ones that will be able to have my herd for 1+ years. If I'm not successful I may be one of the ones that doesn't continue to try keep them as I feel like I've really studied up on...
  19. dive girl

    Dwarf Seahorse Dietary Questions

    Thanks Cleve, for the response. I'm sorry to hear that your big male died.
  20. dive girl

    Dwarf Seahorse Dietary Questions

    In another thread Tom (ReefNut) mentioned that he's noticed that his DSH stop breeding after a while and he thinks it might be dietary, even though the ponies are healthy (paraphrasing here so Tom, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). Since I'm new to providing a home to ponies, I want...